
on November 07, 2014

Hi hi :3
on November 07, 2014
on November 06, 2014

Jett when does he drawing contest end if like to contribute
on November 06, 2014

I just uploaded my new song to YouTube (made with fl studio) it's a special one for Halloween! I just figured out how to save audio from the demo version (the full version lets you save it as a project to edit later but that's the only difference between the full version and the demo version) but anyway if you want to watch it heres the link :http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs7Ffe5C3uE I would appreciate it if you would subscribe and like the video it helps a lot :D
on November 02, 2014

Wheres my name :( im in that group of friends (Celest is my gf irl ;))

@DarkStar thought you said Quartz died, how can he be your best friend if he's dead wouldn't that mean he WAS, not is
on November 02, 2014
on October 31, 2014

O-o is that guy still being a jerk to people i haven't been on in a year and the first thing i see on your wall is |
on October 31, 2014

Which TF2 character are you?
An in depth quiz to help you identify with one of the 9 TF2 personalities.
This helps you identify your main personality, I may create additional quizzes to show 81 individual personalities, as a combination of 2 of the 9 characters.
on October 31, 2014

on October 30, 2014

lol this is the perfect personality it even matches my usernname :D (im not really a dark person lol)
on October 30, 2014

I found a way to get on at school ill be on a little more now for realz :3

Lol you didn't hack you just figured out a different way and were both avoiding the tech guy pretty well
on October 30, 2014
on October 28, 2014

Drawings turned out pretty good when I get home I will post pictures of the final products
on October 28, 2014

I'm going to try to go in a drawing spree today Im trying to draw all of the pics below V
on October 27, 2014

Pokey pokey! *pokes you*You've just been poked! Now go poke all of your friends!!
~Started by FandomLover
~Started by FandomLover
on October 27, 2014

Pokey pokey! *pokes you*You've just been poked! Now go poke all of your friends!!
~Started by FandomLover
~Started by FandomLover
on October 26, 2014

and Don't follow me

there's always time @DarkStar I'm in my hardest year of high school I'm grounded and I still find time to get on....
on October 18, 2014
on October 14, 2014