Random quiz ;) This is a quiz that is mostly random but it tests your personality and at the end it will just say things like a little piece of your personality, Enjoy ;) anonymous-user-qLWa68 published on October 29, 2014 Stacked 1/15 Out of these items which would you choose? The knife The rose The pie doll The book of secrets 2/15 Favorite color? Black Pink (sings) SPARKLEZ The color of blood 3/15 Are you pretty? No... Is a unicorn purple (IDK) Hell yeah Only if you say so 4/15 Are you a people person? If you mean beating them up Yes CHICKEN No 5/15 Yes or no? WTF No Yes Mabye 6/15 What kind of person do you THINK you are? Dark Sweet Mean Funny 7/15 Rp time- If you walked down a street and herd a girl/boy scream what would you do? Stay in the shadows and watch Go and help Give the attacker a cream pie to the face Help the attacker >:) 8/15 Favorite time of year Spring Summer Fall Winter 9/15 Which cabin in The Heroes Of Olympus would you be in Hades Aphrodite Ares Apollo 10/15 Doctor Who? ... Idk he didn't tell us his name >:( I don't care Who? 11/15 What would you rather ware? Hobo outfit Any thing nice and colorful Anything black Nun ya business 12/15 Almost done YAY AWWW whatever TACO! 13/15 Rp time (again)- You are in a horror movie situation. Would you be... The idiot who has to check The person who find it amusing The clumsy person who constantly falls The intelligent one who leaves in the working car 14/15 Are you as loser? JK. Do you like pie? Do I look like a person who does?! Do I like pie?! Is that even a question?! Yes, pie is good, and cake is a lie Can I throw it at your face? 15/15 Later Bye nice person! Yes finally! UNICORNS! I'll be watching in the shadows