Potterpox wanna go chat at beauty's website right now? :U

on January 20, 2013

on January 13, 2013
on January 13, 2013

on January 13, 2013

Hey who is that R.B.R account on Instagram? Im afraid it might be some stalker....
on January 12, 2013

Guys my Instagram is "Shady636" follow me if you want!! :) But tell me your username first because my profile is protected so I have to approve of you before you follow me. See ya!!! :P
on January 07, 2013

Wanna go chat on Beauty's website right now? :P
on January 06, 2013

I edited my qfeast profile, so you guys can know more about me. dB You can go read it if you like. :P

Btw, i wanted to put more but i couldnt becuz of the stupid character limit >:U FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU--
on January 05, 2013
on January 05, 2013

I tried going to the r.b.r website you told everyone about but it said "Page not published" what does that mean? :T Btw, I followed you :P

Could you give me the link that you can press and it takes you right to the site now? I dont remember the name of the website. lol
on January 05, 2013

That's odd.
Try again and if it doesn't work I will give you a link that you can press on that takes you directly to the site. Maybe you miss spelt something
Try again and if it doesn't work I will give you a link that you can press on that takes you directly to the site. Maybe you miss spelt something
on January 05, 2013
on January 05, 2013

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on January 04, 2013

Change your password to something no one is EVER gonna gess. Use capital letters, lower case letters, and numbers. You need to do it now because who knows... She couls change your password and you could lose access to your account COMEPLETELY and there wouldn't be anything anyone can do... D:
on January 04, 2013

If I get burnt I'm gonna show you what it's like to hurt.
Cause I've been treated like DIRT.
And love is "evol".
Spell it backwards I'll show ya.
Nobody knows me I'm cold.
Walk down this road all ALONE.
It's no one's fault but MY OWN. See More
It's the path I've chosen to go.
Frozen as snow I show no emotion what so ever so.
Don't ask me why I have no love for these motherf***ing h0es.
Blood sucking succbususes, what the f*** is up with this?
I've tried in this department but I aint got no luck with this.
It sucks but it's exactly what I thought it would be.
Like trying to start over.
I got a hole in my heart, for some kind of emotional roller coaster.
Something I won't go on till you toy with my emotions, so it's over.
It's like an explosion everytime I hold you I wasn't joking when I told you
You take my breathe away, your a supernova...
Amd I'm a Space bound rocket ship and your heart's the moon.
And I'm aiming right at you.
Cause I've been treated like DIRT.
And love is "evol".
Spell it backwards I'll show ya.
Nobody knows me I'm cold.
Walk down this road all ALONE.
It's no one's fault but MY OWN. See More
It's the path I've chosen to go.
Frozen as snow I show no emotion what so ever so.
Don't ask me why I have no love for these motherf***ing h0es.
Blood sucking succbususes, what the f*** is up with this?
I've tried in this department but I aint got no luck with this.
It sucks but it's exactly what I thought it would be.
Like trying to start over.
I got a hole in my heart, for some kind of emotional roller coaster.
Something I won't go on till you toy with my emotions, so it's over.
It's like an explosion everytime I hold you I wasn't joking when I told you
You take my breathe away, your a supernova...
Amd I'm a Space bound rocket ship and your heart's the moon.
And I'm aiming right at you.
on January 03, 2013

We need to set up a time & place where all of us R.B.Rs can just talk. You live in California, right? That means your on Pacific time. Grace123 and I are both on Eastern time, so we're 3 hours ahead of you. I think BackToHumans & Clove live in the UK, so I'm realley not sure about them... Here's a map of the (United States) time zones if you don't realley know them that well : http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.timetemperature.com/tzus/united-states-time-zone-map.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.timetemperature.com/tzus/time_zone.shtml&h=425&w=600&sz=17&tbnid=eeUvrGbcQORxcM:&tbnh=84&tbnw=119&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dunited%2Bstates%2Btimezone%2Bmap%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=united+states+timezone+map&usg=__HlLXdBnkjR8BnV8Kr4QoSEmXzg0=&docid=q9PfP9CQ5J9B4M&hl=en&sa=X&ei=C_3hUKqSMaHj0gHz34CYCA&ved=0CDEQ9QEwAA&dur=2704 See More
Anyway, let's try to figure out everyone's time zone so we can all chat, k? :)
Anyway, let's try to figure out everyone's time zone so we can all chat, k? :)
on December 31, 2012

Hey, we need to talk more, hows you?? :)

Yeah, I got mad too, but that's what they want, drama. Well done for reporting, and yeah, same ;)
on January 01, 2013

Yeah we do need to talk more!! :P Well, I was pretty mad about Lesbian piece of trash being back, but I reported her for cussing and being explictic so I think she'll be banned. Other that that, I ish pretty good dB lol
on December 31, 2012
on December 31, 2012

Happy New Year! Its Aussie New Years Eve Here In Aus!
on December 31, 2012

Hey guys!! :) I was gonna make a Christmas quiz but I didn't have the time. :/ Anyways, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy everything!!! :D I hope you all have great holidays and a great new year :P See ya
on December 24, 2012

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

Which Rapper Would YOU Date?
on December 24, 2012


you have to look at "Asked Question" in qfeast's page and the question starts with "it time to vote! pages of polls?"
on December 24, 2012

on December 24, 2012
on December 24, 2012

hey earworm but just asking do whos yo fav song brony? micthemicrophone, tuxe, woodentoaster, thelivingtombstone, ibringdalulz, blueskittle or alex s? mines tombstone and woodentoaster but my fav rap is mic. fav remixer is tuxe and tombstone well yeah. just a little bit about me...

on December 23, 2012
on December 22, 2012