Pass this on to a qfeaster you look up too
~quizmaster2002 started this
~quizmaster2002 started this

on May 30, 2014

Oh wow..this means a lot thanks you
on May 30, 2014
on May 29, 2014

Pass this on to a qfeaster you look up too
~quizmaster2002 started this
~quizmaster2002 started this
on May 29, 2014

Name: Alexis (Lexi) Summers
Faction: Dauntless born
Divergent: yes (dauntless, erudite and abnegation..)
Appearance: Red V neck,black denim jacket with rolled up sleeves,black spiked bracelet on right hand, black jeggings wih slight holes in them, Black spiked boots with red accents, a silver chain necklace with te dauntless flame on it, A panther tattoo just on neck to left shoulder, dauntless symbol on right arm just below shoulder.
Hair color: Midnight black with a streak of See More red
Eye color: Piercing icy blue
(Not trying to rip off Alexishedgebats name..)
Faction: Dauntless born
Divergent: yes (dauntless, erudite and abnegation..)
Appearance: Red V neck,black denim jacket with rolled up sleeves,black spiked bracelet on right hand, black jeggings wih slight holes in them, Black spiked boots with red accents, a silver chain necklace with te dauntless flame on it, A panther tattoo just on neck to left shoulder, dauntless symbol on right arm just below shoulder.
Hair color: Midnight black with a streak of See More red
Eye color: Piercing icy blue
(Not trying to rip off Alexishedgebats name..)

Best friends: Liz (if allowed?)
Enemies: Anyone who tries I hurt her friends
Boyfriend: None
Enemies: Anyone who tries I hurt her friends
Boyfriend: None
on May 28, 2014
on May 28, 2014

I don't really know X-men..
Name:Aria 'Crimson' Summers
Age: 18
Power: Fire (she can use as attack,defense and healing) and teleportation and shadows kinda
Weakness: Light
Appearance: (please, please, PLEASE just upload a photo!!! I will be accepting ALL membership requests, no worries.) See More
Family: Her parents are dead..she has a thought dead brother named Auralis
Other relations: (friends, enemies, lovers, etc.)
Personality: she can act tough but she's a good friend once she opens up I you.Not going to say much more
Brief backstory: when she was going her parents were murdered, ran away. Bla ba bla..
Likes: The night,drawing whilst sitting in or under a tree(it helps get we anger out, that and punching a punching bag) Fighting
Dislikes: Early mornings and annoying people..
Extra information: (please fill this out with anything you think we need to know) Aria has crimson red eyes but she wears blue contact lens and is a half demon so yeah..
This good?..
Name:Aria 'Crimson' Summers
Age: 18
Power: Fire (she can use as attack,defense and healing) and teleportation and shadows kinda
Weakness: Light
Appearance: (please, please, PLEASE just upload a photo!!! I will be accepting ALL membership requests, no worries.) See More
Family: Her parents are dead..she has a thought dead brother named Auralis
Other relations: (friends, enemies, lovers, etc.)
Personality: she can act tough but she's a good friend once she opens up I you.Not going to say much more
Brief backstory: when she was going her parents were murdered, ran away. Bla ba bla..
Likes: The night,drawing whilst sitting in or under a tree(it helps get we anger out, that and punching a punching bag) Fighting
Dislikes: Early mornings and annoying people..
Extra information: (please fill this out with anything you think we need to know) Aria has crimson red eyes but she wears blue contact lens and is a half demon so yeah..
This good?..
on May 26, 2014

Do you want an OC in New Girl?

Up to you an I wouldn't mind. If do te name would be Aria Summers and her eyes are crimson red but she wears contact lenses and since it's at school she may be bullied sometimes and called a 'freak' because of it..(some people know) if your alright with it that is. Also thanks for favoriting under the moonlight, Gwen will be in te next chapter
on May 26, 2014
on May 26, 2014

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on May 25, 2014

Please review as i would like to know what you think of it and i worked hard on ig
Please review as i would like to know what you think of it and i worked hard on ig

Under the moonlight
This is a story as you know..Umm..no idea what else to say but..hope you enjoy ^_^

An amazing monster story, and it's refreshing how the POV is that of a werepire, and it shows how she isn't exactly evil. Good job!
on July 01, 2014
on May 24, 2014

Cristallite added a new chapter to Under the moonlight

Chapter 3: Regret
The woman or at least in earlier years.( on right side)
Left side: wait and see!
I stood there unable to move, Pull yourself together Aria! I screamed to myself mentally. I started sprinting to where my house was, only to arrive and find it ablaze. People dressed in dark grey and black were looking around. One woman stood at the front just watching the- no My- house burn.
She was wearing a black jacket and you could see traces of a dark grey tank top underneath. The woman had black jeggin... Read Full Chapter
Left side: wait and see!
I stood there unable to move, Pull yourself together Aria! I screamed to myself mentally. I started sprinting to where my house was, only to arrive and find it ablaze. People dressed in dark grey and black were looking around. One woman stood at the front just watching the- no My- house burn.
She was wearing a black jacket and you could see traces of a dark grey tank top underneath. The woman had black jeggin... Read Full Chapter
on May 24, 2014

Name: Arianna Faux(pronounced fox..)
Faction: Dauntless born
Divergent: yes (dauntless, erudite and abnegation..)
Appearance: Red V neck,black denim jacket with rolled up sleeves,black spiked bracelet on right hand, black jeggings wih slight holes in them, Black spiked boots with red accents, a silver chain necklace with te dauntless flame on it, A panther tattoo just on neck to left shoulder, dauntless symbol on right arm just below shoulder.
Hair color: Midnight black with a See More streak of red
Eye color: Piercing icy blue
Faction: Dauntless born
Divergent: yes (dauntless, erudite and abnegation..)
Appearance: Red V neck,black denim jacket with rolled up sleeves,black spiked bracelet on right hand, black jeggings wih slight holes in them, Black spiked boots with red accents, a silver chain necklace with te dauntless flame on it, A panther tattoo just on neck to left shoulder, dauntless symbol on right arm just below shoulder.
Hair color: Midnight black with a See More streak of red
Eye color: Piercing icy blue
on May 23, 2014

Cristallite added a new chapter to Under the moonlight

Chapter 2: Running away
The above photo is of Dawn..or at least her planned appearance
When I woke up it was just past dawn. I opened my drawer and grabbed the paper from last night shakily and with tears forming.I was going to do it..the one thing I never thought I would do. I wiped the tears away and looked up with determination in my eyes. I jumped out of bed and quickly packed the necessities in a black backpack before changing into a red v neck shirt and black jeggings along with a black loose Adidas jacket wi... Read Full Chapter
When I woke up it was just past dawn. I opened my drawer and grabbed the paper from last night shakily and with tears forming.I was going to do it..the one thing I never thought I would do. I wiped the tears away and looked up with determination in my eyes. I jumped out of bed and quickly packed the necessities in a black backpack before changing into a red v neck shirt and black jeggings along with a black loose Adidas jacket wi... Read Full Chapter
on May 21, 2014