I added another chapter to Under the moonlight btw..

Alright! It's great so far!
on May 23, 2014

^.^ I try to make a chapter either once per day or once per week. It's the least Icsn do since I have nt worked on my other stories recently..
on May 22, 2014

Really good!!!
on May 22, 2014

Posted it
on May 21, 2014

on May 21, 2014
on May 20, 2014

Cristallite added a new chapter to Under the moonlight

Chapter 1: The secret revealed
The Photo above is of Vladimir..Or at least the planned appearance
When I woke up, all I could see was the ceiling from my bedroom. I sat up and rubbed my neck which still stung a bit. What happened flooded back to me and I jumped out of bed and walked down the stairs but stopped when I heard voices. I went down a step or two to hear better. " Jaden just had to reveal it!" I heard my dads voice shout angrily. "Its not his fault Vladimir" my mother said trying to calm dad down. "Your right I ... Read Full Chapter
When I woke up, all I could see was the ceiling from my bedroom. I sat up and rubbed my neck which still stung a bit. What happened flooded back to me and I jumped out of bed and walked down the stairs but stopped when I heard voices. I went down a step or two to hear better. " Jaden just had to reveal it!" I heard my dads voice shout angrily. "Its not his fault Vladimir" my mother said trying to calm dad down. "Your right I ... Read Full Chapter
on May 20, 2014

Post a picture pf Silvermoon (main oc from my story well one of the main) later .
on May 17, 2014

of course! You're so welcome
on May 15, 2014

Thank you for being my first follower! Now I'm at 142. so once again thanks ^_^
on May 15, 2014

My oc..well you kinda already know but brb

Also Leat,Tana, Kameo are friends and Striker is her crush..If rose includes Striker and if it's allowed
on May 15, 2014

Name: Crimson
Gender: Female
Grade: 10th(or whatever grade most of us will be in..)
Appearance: You already know but pictures on my wall if others want to know See More
Eye color: Usually crimson red but icy blue when she gets angry like really angry enough to incinirate someone..
Fav colors: Black,Crimson red, dark grey
Fave food: Does not have one
Fave songs:None but she is a fan of Radioactive and demons so basically songs by imagine dragon(s) as well as Life goes on which I wrote.
Rank: Jock i guess..
Best friends: Alexis,Sapphire,Luna,Bailey,Rose,Gina,Jackie
Crush: No one
Rivals: people who are plain bullies and yeah..
Extra classes: P.E and Fightin I think..
Other:She has a secret that only her friends know.
Note: I just copied this from the Mobiud High rp so Alexis let me know if I need I change anything ^_^
Name: Crimson
Gender: Female
Grade: 10th(or whatever grade most of us will be in..)
Appearance: You already know but pictures on my wall if others want to know See More
Eye color: Usually crimson red but icy blue when she gets angry like really angry enough to incinirate someone..
Fav colors: Black,Crimson red, dark grey
Fave food: Does not have one
Fave songs:None but she is a fan of Radioactive and demons so basically songs by imagine dragon(s) as well as Life goes on which I wrote.
Rank: Jock i guess..
Best friends: Alexis,Sapphire,Luna,Bailey,Rose,Gina,Jackie
Crush: No one
Rivals: people who are plain bullies and yeah..
Extra classes: P.E and Fightin I think..
Other:She has a secret that only her friends know.
Note: I just copied this from the Mobiud High rp so Alexis let me know if I need I change anything ^_^
on May 14, 2014
on May 14, 2014

Happy 100 followers!! &[]&[]
on May 14, 2014

Cristallite added a new chapter to Crimson the hedgehog
Chapter 3:The dream (Note first part is a bit..well feel free to skip it..)
I was in a dark and dim lit room that looked like a cell.At the very end of the cell, I saw a hooded figure with stitches as a smile.I blinked and it was suddenly closer.i could see The thing had blood stains on the robe when it came close.It raised a a sharp butchers knife above my arm.I tried to scream but no sound came out,The
thing only smiled seeing my attempt revealing long pointy yellow fangs sharper then any teeth I have seen before.I managed to somehow kick it in its face as my feet ... Read Full Chapter
thing only smiled seeing my attempt revealing long pointy yellow fangs sharper then any teeth I have seen before.I managed to somehow kick it in its face as my feet ... Read Full Chapter
on May 13, 2014