Continue victorian era rp?

A new one or continue.
on August 18, 2014

Ok :) You start
on August 18, 2014
on August 18, 2014

Rp on the circus page?
on August 18, 2014

Rin:-lies in cage-

(They've gone to a bar, but you can start a new post and I'll rp with my other oc if you like)
on August 27, 2014

on August 27, 2014
on August 18, 2014

Name: Rin
Age: not exactly a adult,a young adult
Role (act): Tiger..
Appearance: A normal tiger except wih unique silver eyes.
Personality: Rebellious and short tempered.
Family: all dead due to hunters
Backstory: she is a orphan now.Her parents were killed by the hunters when he was a cub. She had to grow up in the jungle along and learn the way the hard way rather the being taught as a cub.She was taken by the circus one day due to her silver eyes. They were trying to tame See More her when she killed one of the members. She is now kept in a cage and still untamed. Just waiting for he one.(note if someone tames her she won't be fully tamed as she is a tiger after all just won't try to kill them and all)
Extra:she is worth a lot due to her eyes..
Age: not exactly a adult,a young adult
Role (act): Tiger..
Appearance: A normal tiger except wih unique silver eyes.
Personality: Rebellious and short tempered.
Family: all dead due to hunters
Backstory: she is a orphan now.Her parents were killed by the hunters when he was a cub. She had to grow up in the jungle along and learn the way the hard way rather the being taught as a cub.She was taken by the circus one day due to her silver eyes. They were trying to tame See More her when she killed one of the members. She is now kept in a cage and still untamed. Just waiting for he one.(note if someone tames her she won't be fully tamed as she is a tiger after all just won't try to kill them and all)
Extra:she is worth a lot due to her eyes..
on August 18, 2014

Character Form
Name: Adriana (Rin) [Insert a last name..]
Age: 18
Occupation: A musician (pianist) and distant relative to royalty..
Appearance:Vibrant blue eyes with dark black hair often down with two prts braided into a ponytail in the middle. Clothing varies. At concerts or most occasions its formal, on her free days its normal much to her parents disapproval
Personality: Rebellious at times, hates being considered better then others just becaue shes talented and rich.
Family: See More Anastasia ( just like the name) and Darren [insert last name]
Backstory: Cant think of one..
Extra: Could she be best friends with Alex? @Roseheart
Name: Adriana (Rin) [Insert a last name..]
Age: 18
Occupation: A musician (pianist) and distant relative to royalty..
Appearance:Vibrant blue eyes with dark black hair often down with two prts braided into a ponytail in the middle. Clothing varies. At concerts or most occasions its formal, on her free days its normal much to her parents disapproval
Personality: Rebellious at times, hates being considered better then others just becaue shes talented and rich.
Family: See More Anastasia ( just like the name) and Darren [insert last name]
Backstory: Cant think of one..
Extra: Could she be best friends with Alex? @Roseheart

Because they believe she should marry someone wealthy early just to secure stuff pr something?..idk
on August 17, 2014
on August 17, 2014

Rp? We can start a new one or continue one we already have(With Gundar, Kailen etc)
on August 17, 2014

Using my oc I already have.,
on August 17, 2014

Would you like to rp? I have seen you around and i dont think we ever have before so...would you?

on August 18, 2014

on August 17, 2014

Oh damn, you live across the world from me! XD
(Eastern United States)
Anyway, I'm making a promise to you now, We will RP tomorrow, even if I have to stay up till 1 or 2 in the morning XD.
Night Crimson!
(Eastern United States)
Anyway, I'm making a promise to you now, We will RP tomorrow, even if I have to stay up till 1 or 2 in the morning XD.
Night Crimson!
on August 17, 2014

Oh ok , its 3:29 pm here (Australia), just that i probably wont be on tomorrow when others are on. So..yeah
on August 17, 2014

Actually, we should wait a little until others are on tomorrow...it would be easier that way. Plus, I'm gonna be signing off here in like 5min, didn't even realize it was 3:31am already XD
on August 17, 2014
on August 17, 2014

Would you like to submit a haiku, short story, or funny prank to Qfeast Times or advertise one of your polls, pages, quizzes or stories?! You could be in the next issue of Qfeast Weekly!
on August 16, 2014

OMG we haven't talked in forever!
on August 16, 2014

New Girl Roleplay Page
Roleplay for my story New Girl! If you already have an OC please roleplay as your OC. Thank you!
on August 16, 2014

Below is part of a adventure story I am writing for a competition.So here is part of it. i hope its ok..
2nd of July,2000
It was a rainy cold dreary Winters morning. I stared out the window with a blank expression. With the current war going on, everyone normally stayed inside, well.. more of being forced to rather than personal choice. The war started two years ago. Or so i have been told. No one knows where they came from. Some say they were rebels using the dark arts, some See More say they were changelings, shape shifters or gifted with abilities by demons or other evil beings. Others, well.. they say they are not of our world. They attacked us unexpectedly right within our city's walls. We were caught off guard and were completely destroyed. My name is Adriana,Adriana Faux and this, this is my story.
2nd of July,2000
It was a rainy cold dreary Winters morning. I stared out the window with a blank expression. With the current war going on, everyone normally stayed inside, well.. more of being forced to rather than personal choice. The war started two years ago. Or so i have been told. No one knows where they came from. Some say they were rebels using the dark arts, some See More say they were changelings, shape shifters or gifted with abilities by demons or other evil beings. Others, well.. they say they are not of our world. They attacked us unexpectedly right within our city's walls. We were caught off guard and were completely destroyed. My name is Adriana,Adriana Faux and this, this is my story.
on August 16, 2014

Wanna rp
on August 16, 2014