on September 07, 2014

Name: Crimson (Kuri) (last name unknown)
Gender: female
Age: Unknown
Monster Type: Demon.
Special Power: Mastered hellfire powers(fire from hell), teleportation(its actually just moving to places faster then anything can comprehend.) and able to summon a motorbike fueled by hellfire.(the bike is black with red flames on the side, its faster then most vehicles and it leaves a flame trial that wont burn anything unless you go a certain speed)cant really die as if killed she just See More gets sent back as punishment.
Backstory: Grew up as a regular girl but then.. when she was 13 she killed someone accidentally. She was called a monster and feared. Kuri wanted to kill herself and she did. She became a myth said to come and kil those oN Halloween if people went into the forest.She remained dead until she heard a voice. She met a messenger of the devil and was told that she was a demon and technically Satans daughter well, in her past life she was. Kuri was a reincarnation of his 'daughter' She was promised that he would erase the memories of the people so she could live a regular life if she accepted it and willing to do his will. She refused and was sent back now being unable to die and to forever live on Earth being shunned as the devil did erase their memories and replaced them with something else.
Gender: female
Age: Unknown
Monster Type: Demon.
Special Power: Mastered hellfire powers(fire from hell), teleportation(its actually just moving to places faster then anything can comprehend.) and able to summon a motorbike fueled by hellfire.(the bike is black with red flames on the side, its faster then most vehicles and it leaves a flame trial that wont burn anything unless you go a certain speed)cant really die as if killed she just See More gets sent back as punishment.
Backstory: Grew up as a regular girl but then.. when she was 13 she killed someone accidentally. She was called a monster and feared. Kuri wanted to kill herself and she did. She became a myth said to come and kil those oN Halloween if people went into the forest.She remained dead until she heard a voice. She met a messenger of the devil and was told that she was a demon and technically Satans daughter well, in her past life she was. Kuri was a reincarnation of his 'daughter' She was promised that he would erase the memories of the people so she could live a regular life if she accepted it and willing to do his will. She refused and was sent back now being unable to die and to forever live on Earth being shunned as the devil did erase their memories and replaced them with something else.

on September 08, 2014

on September 08, 2014

on September 07, 2014

Bio: everyday, having to run and hide being shunned for what you are..knowing that you can NEVER escape this h*ll-trust me i tried.That you will eventually snap and kill everyone in your way. The only hope being that there is one way, despite it having a very slim chance of happening, of being set free. Being the reincarnation of the devils 'killing machine' See More doesn't help either. That hope is the only thing from me breaking down immediately despite it going to happen eventually..Because..I know No one cares, and that that hope and dream may never come true..but hey, a girl can hope can't they? -gives a small smile-
on September 07, 2014
on September 07, 2014

Looking for Sonic OC's for my story!
I'm writing a new Sonic fan-fic, that blends in with Divergent, called Factions United. These are the characters that I have, and are currently vacant
Main characters:
Abnegation dependant -
Amity dependant -
Candor dependant -
Dauntless dependant - Jackie
Erudite dependant -
Faction leaders:
Abnegation/Council Leader (4 of these) -
Amity Representative - Joanne
Candor Representative - Cleyna
Dauntless Leaders (rules are more than 1, but an odd number) -
Erudite Representative - Cerise
Faction initiates:
Abnegation -
Amity -
Candor -
Dauntless -
Erudite -
That's all I have so far. If any more are added, I'll let you guys know!
on September 06, 2014

Crimson:-smiling sitting in a tree watching Aster walk around-

Crimson: Aster, you still have yours right?
Aster:-nods and a dark blue hoverboard with his name on the front and a meteor shower described appears-
Aster:-nods and a dark blue hoverboard with his name on the front and a meteor shower described appears-
on September 04, 2014

Crimson: Nah im fine, -snaps fingers and a black hoverboard with red accents and name on red on front appears along with flames- I have my own,
on September 04, 2014

Storm: cool! It's a while awY but We could find some way to get there quickly? HEY ZEYPHR!!! GIMME THAT HOVERBOARD.
zeyphr: Huh? -looks down at HOVERBOARD-...why?
Storm: -snatches HOVERBOARD- get on. U too crimson
zeyphr: Huh? -looks down at HOVERBOARD-...why?
Storm: -snatches HOVERBOARD- get on. U too crimson
on September 03, 2014
on September 03, 2014

If you are reading this message, you have a guaranteed invite to Sonic and Jackie's wedding. A date cannot be concluded yet, but you still have time to prepare your dress. The dress theme has been decided to be "Dazzled by Divergents", meaning you can choose at least 1 faction to dress as.
Abnegation: Grey
Amity: Bright red and yellow
Candor: Black and white
Dauntless: Black main, but can add dark red accessories if you wish
Erudite: Blue
Abnegation: Grey
Amity: Bright red and yellow
Candor: Black and white
Dauntless: Black main, but can add dark red accessories if you wish
Erudite: Blue
on September 02, 2014

This is a sequel to my story Chosen. (takes place 24 years after Chosen) You don't have to read Chosen to understand this one though. Feel free to request OCs! -In a world go Elements and Magic, everything is too perfect.. Daughter of two of the "Remembered Four," Winter Brite suspects not only followers of the old Elemental council are reuniting, but also that elements and magic are not the strongest weapons in the world..-
on August 31, 2014

hey Crimson!

on August 30, 2014
on August 30, 2014

on August 28, 2014

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

Which Wartune class do you belong in?
on August 28, 2014

Take a vote on what you'd like to see.
Desert of Curses campaign quest
Forgotten Catacombs - Levels 1 to 50
Desert of Curses campaign quest
Forgotten Catacombs - Levels 1 to 50
join.me – Free Screen Sharing and Online Meetings
Free, simple, fast online meetings. Share your screen instantly with anyone.
on August 27, 2014

Welp..wish me luck..(doing a performance for the first time for strangers..-sigh-)
on August 27, 2014

The Qfeast Times September 2014
Yup, the new issue has arrived! And it's better than ever, with writer feedback, and writer work! Thanks to all Qfeasters who participated in advertising or submitting in this issue!
on August 27, 2014

R2 have sent us a mail with rewards for guild rush event. There's a lot to collect, and I would recommend you save the legendary stones. You'll need them to synthesize lvl 40 equipment to legend for higher br.
R2 have sent us a mail with rewards for guild rush event. There's a lot to collect, and I would recommend you save the legendary stones. You'll need them to synthesize lvl 40 equipment to legend for higher br.
on August 25, 2014

Hey Crimson....I sorta 4got my backstory...
on August 25, 2014

Name: Panda00100(Her user but sometimes just called Panda)) but most just call her Sierra(The name she goes by)
Age: ..uhh...
Race: Human
Looks: Post a pic..
Wears: post a pic..
Class(s): Fighter
Powers(If any): She can use the three basic elements( fire, water/ice and lightning/air) as she could be considered a battle mage. See More
Abilities: She is pretty good at PVP(e.g. close combat and archery) She is decent at parkour
Others: Every now and then she enjoys a good prank. She has a pet wolf named Fang.
Age: ..uhh...
Race: Human
Looks: Post a pic..
Wears: post a pic..
Class(s): Fighter
Powers(If any): She can use the three basic elements( fire, water/ice and lightning/air) as she could be considered a battle mage. See More
Abilities: She is pretty good at PVP(e.g. close combat and archery) She is decent at parkour
Others: Every now and then she enjoys a good prank. She has a pet wolf named Fang.

The classes are Fighter, Builder, Survivalist, Redstone Worker, and Criminal (Trolls, Griefers, and others like that)
on July 27, 2015
on August 24, 2014