Dear Caleb,
It should have been you.
Jackie the Hedgehog
Add your name, and carry this on to as many people as possible if you think it should have been Caleb who went into the Weapons Lab instead of Tris. See More
~Started by JackieTheHedgehog~
It should have been you.
Jackie the Hedgehog
Add your name, and carry this on to as many people as possible if you think it should have been Caleb who went into the Weapons Lab instead of Tris. See More
~Started by JackieTheHedgehog~
on September 10, 2014

Pass this on! Every time this is passed on, add a new wiggle!
~(^^)~ <(^^)> <($$)> ~(##)~ ~(@@)~
Started by CrystalDiamond2323 and JeweledOwl812
Pass this on! Every time this is passed on, add a new wiggle!
~(^^)~ <(^^)> <($$)> ~(##)~ ~(@@)~
Started by CrystalDiamond2323 and JeweledOwl812
on September 10, 2014

Name: Kitsune (Prefers to be called Kat as her real name is Katerina)
Age: 16
Looks: Raven black hair, unique crimson red eyes almost like a cats.
Personality: Athletic, outgoing, short tempered, sly
Background: At a young age her parents were killed by bandits. They were about to go for her too but one pf the most skilled ninja (Coincidentally her unknown brother) in the land saved her. Then he left. Kat decided to train as a ninja and became one of the best. She is very skilled See More with Kunai, Shurikens and katanas as well as most martial arts.Her dream is to meet the mysterious man one day.
Other: she hopes to match her unknown brothers skills and works very hard. She may seem cold at first.
Name: Ryuu (Ryu)
Age: 18
Looks: shadowy black somewhat messy hair,silver eyes
Personality: Secretive, mysterious, quite skilled
Background: When Kat was little, Ryu left to train as a ninja, Kat never remembered him though. Ryu after finishing his training returned to his home, by then it was being attacked and his parents dead. Ryu fought off the attackers and saved Kat before leaving having to train further in order to protect those he loved. He often overworks but he is one of the best in the end.
Other: Not one for talking and all, Titled
Age: 16
Looks: Raven black hair, unique crimson red eyes almost like a cats.
Personality: Athletic, outgoing, short tempered, sly
Background: At a young age her parents were killed by bandits. They were about to go for her too but one pf the most skilled ninja (Coincidentally her unknown brother) in the land saved her. Then he left. Kat decided to train as a ninja and became one of the best. She is very skilled See More with Kunai, Shurikens and katanas as well as most martial arts.Her dream is to meet the mysterious man one day.
Other: she hopes to match her unknown brothers skills and works very hard. She may seem cold at first.
Name: Ryuu (Ryu)
Age: 18
Looks: shadowy black somewhat messy hair,silver eyes
Personality: Secretive, mysterious, quite skilled
Background: When Kat was little, Ryu left to train as a ninja, Kat never remembered him though. Ryu after finishing his training returned to his home, by then it was being attacked and his parents dead. Ryu fought off the attackers and saved Kat before leaving having to train further in order to protect those he loved. He often overworks but he is one of the best in the end.
Other: Not one for talking and all, Titled
on September 10, 2014

Full name: Adriana (Rin) Fletcher
Age: 16
Why: To get away from her parents.
Rank: Stow away
Class: None really.
Backstory: Rin comes from a rich family, her parents made a arranged marriage and when Rin found out she got upset and ran away from home the next day hearing about the titanic and thinking that the perfect escape.Since she brought no money she had to go on without them knowing.Her sister found out and followed her.
Full name: Alexis (Lexi) Fletcher See More
Age: 18
Why: Followed younger sister to protect her
Rank: Passenger
Class: 1st
Backstory: Heard about Rin finding out and thought she would do something like this so followed her onto the ship buying a ticket (first class) and acting as a guardian.
Age: 16
Why: To get away from her parents.
Rank: Stow away
Class: None really.
Backstory: Rin comes from a rich family, her parents made a arranged marriage and when Rin found out she got upset and ran away from home the next day hearing about the titanic and thinking that the perfect escape.Since she brought no money she had to go on without them knowing.Her sister found out and followed her.
Full name: Alexis (Lexi) Fletcher See More
Age: 18
Why: Followed younger sister to protect her
Rank: Passenger
Class: 1st
Backstory: Heard about Rin finding out and thought she would do something like this so followed her onto the ship buying a ticket (first class) and acting as a guardian.

Adrienne: Adriana how about you just get a first class room so you can stay with your younger sister?
on September 09, 2014
on September 09, 2014

Erin:-sipping a smoothie with headphones on listening to music and staring at a panda note book with a pencil next to it along with a eraser, sharpener and some notes-

Erin: -reads quickly- HOLY SH*T THIS IS F*CKING AMAZING! Get his published immediately! -sees people staring- Hehehe -blushes- Sorry..
on September 19, 2014

on September 19, 2014

on September 19, 2014
on September 09, 2014

Starting rp..
Kuri:-walking along the street when she encounters a group of teens and sighs- Not again
Teen 1: Well look here, if it isn't our little freak show!
Others:-laugh and push her back as she tries to walk away-
Teen 1: Whats the matter? Scared?
Kuri: -growls through clenched teeth trying to control anger-
I don't have time to deal with the likes of you, let me go and no one gets hurt See More
Teen: Make me!
Kuri:-pushes past and walks awat-
Teen: Coward! No wonder you killed her!
Kuri:-freezes and a demonic aura appears-
Teen: Your truly pathetic!
Kuri:-in a instant shes over there pinning him to the ground,claws at neck drawing blood- *in a voice not her own* What did you call me you pathetic human?! -now standing up grasping him by his neck- DIE!
Teen:-struggling when suddenly goes limp-
Kuri:- drops his corpse to the ground turning to face the others-
Others: YOU MONSTER!! -run away-
Kuri:-turns back to normal and sees the teen and his blood on self- !!! -drops to knees tears forming- What have I done?...
Kuri:-walking along the street when she encounters a group of teens and sighs- Not again
Teen 1: Well look here, if it isn't our little freak show!
Others:-laugh and push her back as she tries to walk away-
Teen 1: Whats the matter? Scared?
Kuri: -growls through clenched teeth trying to control anger-
I don't have time to deal with the likes of you, let me go and no one gets hurt See More
Teen: Make me!
Kuri:-pushes past and walks awat-
Teen: Coward! No wonder you killed her!
Kuri:-freezes and a demonic aura appears-
Teen: Your truly pathetic!
Kuri:-in a instant shes over there pinning him to the ground,claws at neck drawing blood- *in a voice not her own* What did you call me you pathetic human?! -now standing up grasping him by his neck- DIE!
Teen:-struggling when suddenly goes limp-
Kuri:- drops his corpse to the ground turning to face the others-
Others: YOU MONSTER!! -run away-
Kuri:-turns back to normal and sees the teen and his blood on self- !!! -drops to knees tears forming- What have I done?...

Naz: A visit? To who?
* He stomach growled as he smelled the fresh blood.*
Are you going to eat that?
* he smirked exposing his fangs as he looked at the dead body with hunger in his eyes.*
* He stomach growled as he smelled the fresh blood.*
Are you going to eat that?
* he smirked exposing his fangs as he looked at the dead body with hunger in his eyes.*
on September 09, 2014

Kuri: I wasn't I was just stating -gets up- [If he wants that then I guess so be it..whats on the line anyway?..] I probably should get used to that by now.Well..time to pay a little visit I suppose..
on September 09, 2014

Naz: if you're looking for sympathy then you've come to the wrong person.
*he jumped from the branch and landed in front of her.*
I'm not the comforting type.
*he jumped from the branch and landed in front of her.*
I'm not the comforting type.
on September 09, 2014

Naz: It's in your nature, it was bound to happen.
*He sat down and examined his claws.*
*He sat down and examined his claws.*
on September 09, 2014
on September 09, 2014

Name: Erin Forester
Age: 20
Books: Has written multiple fiction books such as 'A light in the dark', 'the Celestial Born' and her best selling book 'Under the moonlight' along with her fairly popular 'Illusion' horror CYOA.Along with a few others. (All stories I have actually written or started writing.)
Appearance: will post pic.
Personality: depends
Age: 20
Books: Has written multiple fiction books such as 'A light in the dark', 'the Celestial Born' and her best selling book 'Under the moonlight' along with her fairly popular 'Illusion' horror CYOA.Along with a few others. (All stories I have actually written or started writing.)
Appearance: will post pic.
Personality: depends
on September 08, 2014

Cristallite added a new chapter to Illusion
Chapter 16
You fold your arms and refuse to take any gems. You then notice a little star symbol on the edge of the table.You walk forward and press your hand over it when a pit opens up beneath your feet and you fall into..water. You sigh in relief and get out seeing a white light in the distance, Your run towards the light and appear in a pitch black room. You see IT looking at you. What do you do?
Chapter 17:
PANICCCC! Then kick IT in the face.
Chapter 18: Keep calm
Chapter 19: ATTACK, THIS IS...SPPP... Read Full Chapter
Chapter 17:
PANICCCC! Then kick IT in the face.
Chapter 18: Keep calm
Chapter 19: ATTACK, THIS IS...SPPP... Read Full Chapter
on September 08, 2014

Cristallite added a new chapter to Illusion
Chapter 15
You pick up the large gem and are surprised at how heavy it is. You notice a lock near this large door and start walking towards it when lava fills the room. You panic and begin running around like a headless chicken but the gem is slowing you down..A LOT!
Game over Read Full Chapter
Game over Read Full Chapter
on September 08, 2014

Cristallite added a new chapter to Illusion
Chapter 14
You take the mini gems and put them in your pocket. You hear a click. Oh no, that cant be good, you look down and see yourself falling. This is the end, you take the gems out of your pocket and are about to throw them away but they disappear into tiny particles, "Wrong choice _____(your name)" three voices say whilst you fall.
Game over Read Full Chapter
Game over Read Full Chapter
on September 08, 2014

on September 07, 2014