The Titanic RPG
Climb Aboard! We will role-play the ship sinking on March 27th, 2015. That's in a long time, so focus right now on the entertaining parts of the Titanic. I will post a map of the Titanic activities all over the ship. Post a biography: Full Name: Age: Why he/she's on the Titanic: Rank: (Driver, Waitress at the Titanic Cafe, Passenger) Class: (Third class, second class, first class)

After this, there should be a Titanic survivors page (but we still keep this page)

yeah there should
on April 28, 2015
on April 18, 2015

on April 05, 2015

on April 05, 2015

(;-; Sorry I haven't been attentive as much..)
Lauren: O.O Aw crup!! *She paced to and fro on the deck. She watched the whole incident happen- we have hit the iceburg. Soon, the whole ship is going down. Now, it's her responsibility to warn everyone.*
(Please RP in complete sentences)
Lauren: O.O Aw crup!! *She paced to and fro on the deck. She watched the whole incident happen- we have hit the iceburg. Soon, the whole ship is going down. Now, it's her responsibility to warn everyone.*
(Please RP in complete sentences)

Lauren: *Judging by how he was going into the vents, she figured there were probably people on the lower levels so she got into another vent, climbing her way to the bottom.*
on April 06, 2015

Karen: *Huffs and puts hands on her hips, running around trying to find Bella* Bella! *Looks at vents, thinking about how she might be down in the lower levels*
on April 05, 2015

Lauren: *She finally reached the same hallway as him, then yelled out in her loudest voice-* HELP EACH OTHER! DON'T YOU SEE PEOPLE LIKE YOU WANT TO LIVE?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?! BE KIND-HEARTED FOR ONCE!
*The crowd stopped for a second, then in a split second- people were carrying the children, opening/knocking/barging into people's doors to get them See More off the ship soon, and tried helping everyone to the top.*
Lauren: *She walked up to Yvon.* Are there any lower levels?
*The crowd stopped for a second, then in a split second- people were carrying the children, opening/knocking/barging into people's doors to get them See More off the ship soon, and tried helping everyone to the top.*
Lauren: *She walked up to Yvon.* Are there any lower levels?
on April 05, 2015

Lauren: *Feeling like she just be one of those stupid bystanders, she fled into the hallways, barging into doors and warning people about the ship.*
on April 05, 2015
on April 05, 2015

Full Name: Benjemn Venice
Age: 12
Why he/she's on the Titanic: traveling
Rank: Passenger
Class: first class
Age: 12
Why he/she's on the Titanic: traveling
Rank: Passenger
Class: first class
on April 05, 2015

Karen: *Running around trying to find her sister as water flows in around ankles* BELLA! BELLA! *Finds duck and picks it up, panicked*
Karen: *Running around trying to find her sister as water flows in around ankles* BELLA! BELLA! *Finds duck and picks it up, panicked*

(I got two. :P)
Theo: *Sighs* Just, please, trust me, I know what I'm doing.
Karen: Oh yes, that's such a good reason to believe you.
Theo: *Frowns* I don't have a good reason.
Karen: *Sighs and rolls eyes* Well at least you're honest!
Theo: *Sighs* Just, please, trust me, I know what I'm doing.
Karen: Oh yes, that's such a good reason to believe you.
Theo: *Frowns* I don't have a good reason.
Karen: *Sighs and rolls eyes* Well at least you're honest!
on September 25, 2015

(Sorry, I was at the library)
Theo: *Points a finger* Yes, but by now, they would be delayed by all the obstructions. Please, just trust me.
Karen: *Scoffs* Why should we?
Theo: *Points a finger* Yes, but by now, they would be delayed by all the obstructions. Please, just trust me.
Karen: *Scoffs* Why should we?
on September 25, 2015
on April 05, 2015

on March 25, 2015

Bella: *reading a book out on the deck*
on March 16, 2015

(well we have 11 days and counting to rp here... well if you don't survive โขโโขu )
(well we have 11 days and counting to rp here... well if you don't survive โขโโขu )
on March 16, 2015

on March 13, 2015

*Starts RPG*
= sits in chair in office and does paperwork. Suddenly the boat comes to an adrupt halt Everybody on ship reacts. =
= sits in chair in office and does paperwork. Suddenly the boat comes to an adrupt halt Everybody on ship reacts. =

@Stars_In_The_Sky fine. The driver passed out. He's exhausted but he's back to his senses. I hope nobody slipped or knocked any body part against the ships parts. = looks around ship for injure passengers =
on December 13, 2014

=runs and grabs a glass of water and just stands on the deck calmly as the ship is in complete chaos=
on December 13, 2014
on December 13, 2014

Anna: *sitting on deck, drawing in diary*
Huh. This is a horrible drawing of a horse.
*Rips paper out of book and tosses into water*
Huh. This is a horrible drawing of a horse.
*Rips paper out of book and tosses into water*
on November 30, 2014

Bella: *skipping around the deck*

Karen: But they have to stop sometime to get stuff for the ship right? Otherwise, we run out!
on November 25, 2014

Karen: What, they don't stop anyways? I thought all ships stopped at ports and stuff like that...
on November 25, 2014

Karen: On our way to America, we haven't been off this ship once. I would like to visit some more places.
on November 25, 2014
on November 25, 2014

Is this forgotten?
on November 11, 2014

REMINDER: The Titanic Ball will be THIS Thursday!!!
on October 14, 2014

Bella: *walking around the Titanic nervously about the ball*
on October 11, 2014