
YAAAAAAAY!!!!!!! I can be someone's best friend!!!!!!! :)
Best friend!!!
Best friend!!!
oh wow.. we are so similar.. it doesn't matter if your a boy or a girl I like both genders we should talk sometime I bet we would have so much in commom :D
on July 09, 2017
The weirdness is everywhere!!!!!
your the "average" weirdo... that can be a little weird at times like say apple chili? XD
or just wearing weird clothes either way being weird is awesome! :3
on July 09, 2017
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Your kind and are always there for people. You make friends easily and love talking. Your early bribed and are there for other people when they need you.
on July 09, 2017
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Border Collie
Border Collie
Let's just say you're a work-a-holic. You have to be doing something constantly and have a tough time relaxing. You love to please people and make people happy. Generally, you're a very sociable person, but you usually don't associate with anyone outside your group of friends.
on July 09, 2017
YAY!!!! LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!!!
gardian wolf
gardian wolf
you love to pretect anything that lives.
on July 09, 2017
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Opal Dragon
Opal Dragon
Opal Dragons live deep in great mountain forests. They have beautiful white or sometimes blue scales, and have elegantly sleek bodies. They are generally social dragons, associating with other dragon species, and humans as well. Opal Dragons are very few in number, so each of these dragons has probably seen only one other Opal in his or her life. Opal Dragons love art, and love creating art as well. They are very dramatic dragons, and talk to themselves for most of the day, occasionally coming off as insane. They are slightly greedy dragons, hoarding pretty objects, and food. These dragons love adventure, and love being with friends. They adore flight, and spend most of their time gliding in and out of wind currents. They can also see the future in dreams.
on July 09, 2017
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Harry Potter Fan Club!
For all the potterheads out there hope you can subscribe or be a member! WARNING UNCONTROLLABLE FANGIRLING!!! subscribe reqest anything lets talk about hp and our love or it!!!! :D <(^_^)>
629 subscribers 36 members
on July 09, 2017
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on July 09, 2017