Could you be my friend in real life? :) it's ok if you don't get a good answer .. I like everybody EXCEPT ppl who don't like jeff the killer <3 <3 <3 :D Mary_chan published on July 02, 2013 Stacked 1/14 Do you like pewdiepie? of course! STEPHANO! BROFIST! no I don't really know who he is.. 2/14 What is your favorite hobby on this list? hanging out with boys.. being popular drawing.. watching t.v shows obsessing over jeff the killer :3 3/14 What is your favorite animal on this list? mice birds cats 4/14 are you a positive person? kind of but not all the time of course I am~!! no not really.. positive people give me a headache.. 5/14 Do you like japan? it's ok.. but I prefer america no not really yes! I love it so much!! 6/14 What is your favorite creepypasta character? I told you.. I don't know what that is.. slender man... or hoody and masky jeff the killer!!!! 7/14 Are you random? yeah, like ALL the time sometimes no.. i'm normal 8/14 Do you like vocaloid? of course I do!!! miku..len..rin..luka..gackupo..kaito I don't know what that is.. kind of.. I think its a little weird.. :o 9/14 Do you like anime? kind of not all that much no HECK YA!! ITS FREAKIN AWESOME! 10/14 What is your favorite genre of movie on list? suspence romance horror 11/14 What's your favorite holiday on this list? I'd say valentines day.. :) I like Halloween >:B I like my birthday I mean who doesn't? 12/14 Do you know what creepypasta is? yeah of course! no..? yeah kind of.. ive heard of it 13/14 what's your favorite color? purple red blue 14/14 how old are you? 14-16 19-20 10-13