BubbleGumBlowxx's Page Subscriptions

BubbleGumBlowxx is subscribed to 21 pages
We love God
Those out there who love God come here for support, to post memes, quotes anything to share that you love God (anyone can become a member I just want to make sure it isn't someone who will give hate)
6 subscribers 3 members profile page
Yo Mama's So...
Do you think you have a really funny YO MAMA JOKE? Post it here before you forget!
29 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Guess that qqfeaster!
(I know i use two "Q" but im afraid that they will delete this) Anyways,try to make references or qoutes that,that qqfeaster says,or describe there personality!
35 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Funny Text Page
This is basically a page where you can post funny text. Just filling up space here.... Hope you have fun!
26 subscribers 5 members fully opened
spell words backwords!!!!
just write your words backwards and say funny things dont be emmbarresed!!
28 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Embarrassing moments
Make it feel better by doing this or someone will make you feel better
15 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Animal Abuse Needs To STOP!!
This is about animal abuse and how it seriously needs to stop. If you love animals and agree that they don't deserve it please subscribe and request a membership. Please help me make this a very popular page so everyone can see...
828 subscribers 62 members fully opened
The 100+ Followers Page!
Do you have over 100 followers? Here is the place for everyone who does to hang out :D Become a member if you have 100+!
67 subscribers 51 members fully opened profile page
I Will Tell You Your Future
If you would like to know your future, then please ask a question that you would like to know about the future and I will tell you your true fate. Please include as much detail as possible in your question so the answer I give ...
25 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
People of Qfeast
Pretty much give me random facts about yourself! I'm making a story out of this(PM me if you don't want some of your facts on the story). Plus, I can at least get to know you better! :D
42 subscribers 4 members fully opened
Two Truths And One Lie!
Wanna Play Play A Fun, Guessing Game? Let's Play Two Truths And One Lie! Here You Tell Two Truths About Yourself And One Lie, And Other Qfeasters Guess Which One Is The Lie. You'll Probably Learn Something New About Them. :3 Ha...
111 subscribers 5 members fully opened
The title says everything! guess the song... you can post some lyrics (you don't have to put the whole song just a few lyrics) and see who can guess it! I'll post rules every once in a while for new people to the page or for p...
183 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Who are you dating?
Comment below who your dating,don't worry no one will judge you. I'll even comment to prove it! XP
43 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Qfeast crushes
This is where you name your Qfeast crushes, and have them find out, only if you want them to know.
36 subscribers 1 member fully opened profile page
Never eat___.
This is where you can post the most revolting foods ever invented and warn people about them.
19 subscribers 1 member fully opened
my journal page
Hey guys! On this page I will post my PowerPoint journals! Hope you enjoy!
3 subscribers 1 member profile page
Our rights
Trust, equality, freedom, hope, peace, justice, rule of law, dignity, prosperity, happiness and love are what we all deserve. It is what we fight for.
13 subscribers 1 member fully opened
Wanna play Truth or Dare?
Here are the rules: 1. no offensive, violent, or sexual stuff 2. you HAVE to do ALL dares and answer ALL the questions that follow the rules 3. have fun!
35 subscribers 7 members fully opened profile page
The single page
This is a page were if your single you can meet another single person and hit it off
39 subscribers 2 members fully opened
I will guess your future.
Ok..I have this special gift where I have dreams of the future I once told my neighbor he would have a beautiful wife. And a baby girl he loved dearly and his family would expand from him to a big family and it happened just te...
29 subscribers 3 members fully opened