I Will Tell You Your Future
If you would like to know your future, then please ask a question that you would like to know about the future and I will tell you your true fate. Please include as much detail as possible in your question so the answer I give you will be more accurate.
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O.o I think the Psychic decided to take a long break...
on March 12, 2015

Please, I have to know!
I've caused self harm to myself because of... IDK sometimes it's out of boredom, sometimes from college, and I just...
I have to know, will I ever stop?
And if not, is there a way I can make myself stop?
I've caused self harm to myself because of... IDK sometimes it's out of boredom, sometimes from college, and I just...
I have to know, will I ever stop?
And if not, is there a way I can make myself stop?
on March 09, 2015

What will my furture husband look like?

*strokes Gandalf beard* I predict…… he will look like TicciToby334/335! (And yes, I know I'm not the fortune teller)
on March 22, 2015
on March 08, 2015

I really feel guilty for what I did to my BFF @JackieTheHedgehog
And now I'm scared one day it might happen again...
If it does, will she understand, and forgive me?
And now I'm scared one day it might happen again...
If it does, will she understand, and forgive me?
on March 06, 2015

Will I date a boy or girl in my next relationship?
Also, how will the relationship be?
Also, how will the relationship be?
on March 04, 2015

on March 03, 2015

Describe the type of girl who will be my future wife. I would love to know.
on March 03, 2015

Will i ever meet this guy?ill tell you who in PM

I dont care u dont just go and say it outoud, what if it was a secreat? My point here is keep your mouth shut
on March 03, 2015

Thoose are one of the reason why u annoy me,you start a fight and then act innocent
on March 03, 2015

I never mention we are not friends,but,sll,why do u care so much?mind your own buisness
on March 03, 2015
on March 03, 2015

I don't usually relay anyone or anything on my future but fûck it!
Who will I date?
Who will I date?
on March 03, 2015

on March 03, 2015

My heart is in a rage. And there are two sides. A fiery compassionate good natured side, and a raging, evil side. In other words, a battle in my heart for good, and for evil. I want to know, how long will the eternal battle last, and which side will I choose...?
on March 03, 2015

...Will I be the strongest person around both mentally and physically? Will I be able to become so strong, I have no equal?
on March 03, 2015

What will my job for this world be?

on March 03, 2015
on March 02, 2015