BillCipher asked a question

Do you think if Frozen didn't have so many songs, that it'd actually be good? Well, I f...
on August 01, 2015

created a

What Warrior Cat Are You from the Warriors series?
on August 01, 2015

Sorry, I think I requested membership twice. It didn't tell me if I had already requested membership, so sorry if I did send one twice. Lol
on July 31, 2015

BillCipher created a poll

Do you think Sardonyx should quit her job as a Crystal Gem and become a game show hostess?
on July 31, 2015

Steven Universe Birthday Bake Off Comic Fandub
Thanks for watching! This was a ton of fun to make, honestly. The voice actors are all really talented and lots of fun. Please support them! Greg Universe: D...
on July 31, 2015

Ultimate cat vines compilation - Best cat vines 2014 / 2015
Ultimate cat vines compilation - Best cat vines 2014 / 2015 In this video, I show popular Vine videos featuring cats. This is the longest and best cat and ki...
on July 31, 2015

on July 31, 2015

FUN SONG - Peridot and Lapis
SO UH yeah i realize this is a bit out of character but im a big lapidot shipper this was done 4 a school project! Sorry that it's a bit messy i didn't have ...
on July 31, 2015

on July 30, 2015

on July 30, 2015

BillCipher asked a question

Does anyone know how to get rid of all their followers?
on July 30, 2015