iamprettyandnice has actually commented on our party. Well isn't that great?

on August 26, 2012

on August 17, 2012

Maybe heh
on August 17, 2012

I hope she's Yoda.
on August 16, 2012

Is this wingprettyiam who I think she is, or am I just going crazy? Either she's iampretty, Yoda judging by the order the words are in her username or just some randomer.
on August 16, 2012
on August 15, 2012

on August 15, 2012

It's the song the my username comes from :)
It's the song the my username comes from :)

I love this song... and I wish that they named it after me but it was recorded in 1984 :D
on September 21, 2012
on August 14, 2012

Do You Like That Band Called Queen's Music

I quite like Hammer To Fall of Greatest Hits II and The Works. Killer Queen is an awesome song too. My username is another name for a Queen song too. It's called Machines (Or Back To Humans) and it's pretty cool :)
on August 13, 2012
on August 12, 2012

To the all the R.B.Rs
Wasn't last night so epic? I'm so looking forward to joining the party again soon (I have to go out first).
Wasn't last night so epic? I'm so looking forward to joining the party again soon (I have to go out first).

on August 12, 2012
on August 12, 2012

hi u on we have a party on earth 707s question c mon!!
on August 11, 2012

Meh! I didnt quit. Few...ive been typin this all night...
on August 11, 2012

Can We Be Friends ?
on August 11, 2012

same i dont want to go back to school and say i had online h8ters
on August 11, 2012

Darn, why's everyone quitting? Loads of cool people have quit and it's starting to get quiet around here...

on August 11, 2012

I know I am sorry, Its just everyone said you had! And you said you would! And I didnt see that you changed your mind! And that you changed your mind! I know though, grace123 quit, Thule quit, SarcasticRipred quit
on August 11, 2012
on August 10, 2012

hi are you still on if you are pinkpurse is being soo mean to me i need to talk to some one that wont be

Bad news guys (you probably have already noticed) iamprettysghost is here to ruin our lives again.
on August 11, 2012

Well she certainly seems to have gone, or else she'd still be telling us how 'pretty' she is. Good riddance to her.
on August 11, 2012

on August 11, 2012
on August 09, 2012

Lol thank you for calling me mature. :) and i like how the 3 yr olds joke.

Back To Humans is another title for one of my favourite songs, it just was never released as a single and it was from 1984 anyway. And what's wrong with Clove and earth707's names?
on August 11, 2012

ohh yhea i almos forgot who will have a usernames ass clove?OR earth707 thats stupid and back2humans
on August 10, 2012
on August 09, 2012

Before you ask, the photo isn't me. It's not even a photo. He's (sadly) not real. But he's a cool character.
on August 09, 2012

Can u help me stop the haters. The ones that r mean to clove?
on August 08, 2012

How did I know that this summer some people would start being mean to my friends?
on August 08, 2012