You have to be a close friend of mine if you want help with your issues because I have so many, its hard too listen to more...
on December 17, 2019

@Sodagalatics I did'nt say I remembered where I was during 9/11. My Mom died because of it (She gave birth to me in a coma after my Dad raped her)
Also @Shouta_Fujinawa I hope your aware your pretending to be a rapist, predator, and abuser "for the lolz xD"
Also @Shouta_Fujinawa I hope your aware your pretending to be a rapist, predator, and abuser "for the lolz xD"

The childbirth would have killed her. If you're gonna fake something be accurate about it
on December 17, 2019

on December 17, 2019

You said you have memories of her, quote, "Just everything about her that I have left... memories"
But ok
But ok
on December 17, 2019
on December 17, 2019

I'm going to expose you all to the cyber police
on December 17, 2019
on December 17, 2019

Guys, I said "my mom took me to the pathologist" because my godmother, who I FEEL very close to, took me to the pathologist.
on December 17, 2019

SCRATCH THAT, her NAME makes me cry... Just everything about her that I have left... memories, photos. I'm calling the police if I see one more person pretending we're related.
on December 17, 2019

My mother is not alive and it's a very hard topic for me. Please, if you truly care about me, do not fake to be her. I cry just by thinking about how she died horrifically in the twin's towers.
on December 17, 2019

My dad really did touch me... I am so triggered right now... That's not f*cking funny. You cant just make a f*cking joke. Even if you did'nt know of what my dad did to me when I was 5, you should'nt have said that to someone you KNOW has both depression and anger control issues.

I know what you really did. You knew I had penis cancer and when my penis fell off you stole it.... ばか
on December 17, 2019
on December 17, 2019

Who the f*ck is @ayako's.hamster?

Go to hell whoever you are. I'm not afraid of even censoring "bitch" to you. Quit faking that your were my hamster because I KNOW he could'nt be using a phone right now. I ate his body @ayakos.hamster
on December 17, 2019
on December 17, 2019

@Friday_Im_In_Live I ca'nt talk in the private chat rooms, but I love that song
on December 17, 2019


No, it progresses at different speeds for everyone. Its so rare full studies are'nt even out there online yet @phannie
on December 17, 2019
on December 17, 2019

Hi I'm Phannie and I copy Ayako's content because my black little soul is too busy making fun of ill kids to come up with creative and original content -_-
Copy that, b*tch
Copy that, b*tch
on December 17, 2019

Look what you made me do, I just smothered my hamster with a pillow because YOU GUYS all made me increase from suicidal feelings to HOMICIDAL feelings.
on December 17, 2019

Guys, follow @SunEater. They made a page to help me through this rough time and we just met! They're an awesome friend. Go now
on December 17, 2019
on December 17, 2019

@Phannie I do'nt know who you are... but could you please delete the posts making fun of me and un-star my photo?
on December 17, 2019

Did... Did they really mean to do that?

3 people have starred it. I'm so angry. I know the second people did'nt even star it until after I put my disclosure @SunEater
on December 17, 2019
on December 17, 2019

I'm literally crying... Great just what my depression wanted... A brain tumor...
on December 17, 2019
on December 17, 2019

Ayako_Fujinawa uploaded a photo
Please do'nt star this, I forgot to warn you guys. It feels mean (even if you were'nt trying to be.)

on December 17, 2019