Guys, my Mom just dropped me off back home alone and my pathologist told me I had a brain tumor today. This is one of the worst days of my life. I ca'nt believe it, you all better be f*cking sensitive to me! I have so much sh*t going on in my life, it's almost funny when someone thinks they have it worse. I can prove it by the way, my Mom lets me log into her email and my pathologist sent the pathology report there!

This was my god mom who dropped me off @I_Will_Not_Stop_Using_Cursewords
on December 17, 2019

I thought your mum was dead
on December 17, 2019

I literally posted the pathology report. What's next? Do you want to crawl up my asshole to see the inside of my body, where the tumor is? @silly.goose
on December 17, 2019

wow just wow
on December 17, 2019
on December 17, 2019

I'm 16 and know 20 year old's more immature than me. My grandma always tells me I'm "grown for my age." (Because I live with my grandma, guys -- My dad almost tried to threaten me so cps made her my parent)
on December 16, 2019

Ayako_Fujinawa asked a question
Who has it the worst in real life? (What's your story)
on December 16, 2019

@I_Will_Not_Stop_Using_Curse_Words Thank you, I did'nt expect anyone to tell me this straightforward. Do you like me lol? Even if you do'nt, thank you, I would feel less depressed if someone actually DID like me, but just that was kind enough! :)

You turned my depression level from suicidal to maybe cannibalistic :) @territorialpissings
on December 16, 2019
on December 16, 2019

GOSH DANGANRANPA! I want to report E (Euronymos?) but I keep needing to delete her spam at the same time ?

Hey. I just realized that's the disgusting "inside joke" you guys keep saying in emoji form
on December 16, 2019
on December 16, 2019

What should I tell people in my about me? ?

on December 16, 2019
on December 16, 2019

Iv'e only been here for 5 minutes, but SG (Silly.Goose) is being really nasty to other users. I hope Qfeast reviews her profile. She LATERALLY sent S*XUAL messages to another user through PUBLIC message transferring.
on December 16, 2019

@Lovergirl10, Oh sorry, how do I let you reply to my post?

Excuse me but why are you talking to my beloved Wife? I have no problem with you being in this site but this is where I draw the line.
@lovergirl10 is mine and always will be and the fact you even have been conversing with her makes me sick to my stomach. I will always be by your side through thick and thin but currently I feel deeply betrayed. Please re think See More your actions Child.
@lovergirl10 is mine and always will be and the fact you even have been conversing with her makes me sick to my stomach. I will always be by your side through thick and thin but currently I feel deeply betrayed. Please re think See More your actions Child.
on December 17, 2019
on December 16, 2019