If you ever feel depressed or feel like everyone hates you, just remember. I don't hate you. And I bet a bunch of others do to. You are loved.
Send This To Whoever You Are Willing To Help Through Any Rough Times
~Started By DerpytheGreatandPowerful
Send This To Whoever You Are Willing To Help Through Any Rough Times
~Started By DerpytheGreatandPowerful
on October 22, 2014

AthenaGiaMaat added a new chapter to From One Mistake Comes Many Gifts
Chapter 2
From One Mistake Comes Many Gifts
Ch. 2
Malcolm's POV
I analyzed the two newbies discreetly while working at my post: the cash register. My job here at Karaoke Café was the most important because without me, these bozos that work here would be broke before they even opened the restaurant to the public. I was the money manager and casher. Back to the two rookies in this facility: the one with shaggy, raven hair c... Read Full Chapter
Ch. 2
Malcolm's POV
I analyzed the two newbies discreetly while working at my post: the cash register. My job here at Karaoke Café was the most important because without me, these bozos that work here would be broke before they even opened the restaurant to the public. I was the money manager and casher. Back to the two rookies in this facility: the one with shaggy, raven hair c... Read Full Chapter
on October 13, 2014

on September 14, 2014

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

Creepypasta Boyfriend (1)
on September 14, 2014

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

What Beanie Boo Are you?
on June 01, 2014

created a

What Female Fairy Tail Character are You? (1)
on June 01, 2014

New addiction: Fruits Basket, Black Butler, Ouron Highschool Host Club, Rizelmine, and Fairy Tail
on June 01, 2014

sorry i havent done anything these past few months! i edited my story so its longer, but only one chapter. for people who already read my un-edited story, the chapter will have some (most) things that are the same. enjoy! ;):D:-*:-B:p
on June 01, 2014

on September 07, 2013

on September 07, 2013

on September 07, 2013