What Anime Are You? Use this quiz to figure out which Anime you are! Have fun, feedback is always appreciated! <3 becca01thebest published on November 22, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Fave activity? Shopping! Playing Sports! Rocking Out To Music! Dating. Cutting Myself. Being Cute! At The Skate Park! With My Friends! 2/5 Fave name out of the following? Amy Victoria Jessica Telle Other. Jade Angel Sam Sophie 3/5 Fave type of music? Pop! Classical! Anthems! Rock! I'm not that into music. Metal/Hardcore Anything Beautiful. Any Music. Disco. 4/5 Do you have a favourite T-Shirt? What is it most likely to say on it? Shoes Or Boys? Easy Decision! Um, It Wouldn't Say Anything On It..Just A Tie? I'm Not Addicted To Football. I'm Just Overly Attached To It. I'm A Head Banging Mess. I'd Tell You I Love You, But Then I'd Have To Kill You. BVB Army 4 Life. Lips of An Angel. If I'm Not Here, I'm At The Skate Park. Chilling With My Friends. 5/5 Fave colour? Pink Red Blue Navy I don't have one. Purple Black White Green Other