AnimePup's Starred Polls
AnimePup has 86 starred polls
Favorite Led Zeppelin Member?
Dog/cat/no one
Which person deserves literally everything?

Do You Believe In Santa?
Did you enjoy the Bohemian Rhapsody movie?
If you could have one power, what would you do with it?

Do Albino Praying Mantises Suck

Do you read webtoons?

Which would you prefer?
How much do you like Jacob Sartorius? (He's my future husband BACK OFF)

Do you have any secret crushes?
most annoying?

Best Hetalia Siblings? (If I missed any let me know!) :)

who's better tupac or Snoop Dogg?

Have you ever been suspended from Qfeast?
How long are you usually on video chat?

Who's the best slender brother?
what is your favorite channel?
Do you like FOX 8 ?