AnimePup's Starred Polls - Page 2
AnimePup has 86 starred polls

Do you celebrate Halloween?

Do you believe in love?

Who is more Racist?

Adventure Time or Steven Universe?

What's You Favorite Hetalia Character Out Of The Four?

Sebastian Michaelis or Claude Faustus?
Which Fan character form should I do?

Who is your favorite FullMetal Alchemist Homunculus? (FMA 2003)

Would you Rather? (5) (1)

Are you hype for fnaf 4?
Pringles or Doritos?
If you saw someone about to shoot a healthy, innocent deer, what would you do?

Do you think Ticci Toby is hot?
Are you in a gang?

Favorite Super Mario 3D World Cat Suit?

I am a child and I am attempting to open a bakery. Thoughts?

Do you think you are normal?

Who would win in a fight out of the newly desighned animatronics?