yo mama's so UGLY (scary mama) bloody mary peeled her face off because she didn't wanna see her FACE (ps.bloody mary ripped her own eyes OUT!)
on May 24, 2015

on May 23, 2015

#baby problems for days (im 15 and I need to take care of my baby brother) (im not a babysitter if you were wondering)
on May 04, 2015

if I go crazy then will you still call me superman if im alive and well will you be there holding my hand i'll by my side with my superhuman might
on May 04, 2015

lately I been I been losing my sleep dreaming bou't the things we could be but baby I been praying hard
on May 02, 2015

my roblox character is coming up
on April 29, 2015
on April 29, 2015

ridiculousness is here on my profile bitches

Ridiculousness Season 6 Episode 11 - Smosh | Full Episode
On an all-new episode of Ridiculousness, YouTube stars Smosh expose some "Secret Commandos," showcase the hilarity of getting "Shut Up" and help highlight "W...
on April 28, 2015

on April 27, 2015

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpp0eYLUwyQ tURN DOWN FO WAT BITCH?

TURN DOWN FOR WHAT? (Omegle Funny Moments)
TURN DOWN FOR WHAT? (Omegle Funny Moments) All Episodes of Omegle ► http://goo.gl/Vx1ua0 DUCK SWAG (Use Coupon Code "quack" for a discount) ► http://goo.gl/Q...
on April 23, 2015

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfwxL9gv3-Q&feature=iv&src_vid=TTzCrU-58GM&annotation_id=annotation_4096326011 the funniest video ive ever seen

HOLY DUCK! (Omegle & Chatroulette)
Omegle is one crazy place! Mickey Mouse & Donald Duck troll some strangers on omegle and chatroulette! Omegle / Chatroulette Playlist ► http://goo.gl/Vx1ua0 ...
on April 22, 2015