Annoying things people do/say.
Have you ever had one REALLY ANNOYING moment happen to you? For instance, once I was waiting outside a store for my dad, and when he came back out, he said "Sorry I took so long, I had to use the ATM machine." Fine right? NO. Because ATM stands for Automatic Telling Machine. So saying ATM machine means you're saying Automatic Telling Machine machine. Anyway, now it's your turn! Go crazy with it!
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My friend amber told me something she saw that scarred her the other night one day, and we were on the swings talking about It.
Then Melody came over to ask for the swings. When amber said she couldn't have her swing melody ran and came back ten minutes later and was complaining.
I mean SERIOUSLY Melody! Amber saw something absolutely SCARRING and your complaining ABOUT A FRIGIN SWING.
Then Melody came over to ask for the swings. When amber said she couldn't have her swing melody ran and came back ten minutes later and was complaining.
I mean SERIOUSLY Melody! Amber saw something absolutely SCARRING and your complaining ABOUT A FRIGIN SWING.
on June 28, 2015

on June 18, 2015

Some people call EVERYTHING stupid or boring cuz they think they sound cool but they sound like a brat
on May 26, 2015

WHATS 9+10? 21!
on May 24, 2015

What's DEEZ Nuts? Sorry i know i am being a clueless person XD but i dont watch vines.

Deez means these and nuts means male reproductive part referred to as many things (including nuts)
on May 24, 2015
on May 24, 2015

1. Back-stabbers
2. when people don't shower for more than 3 days
3. interrupting
4. when people get up in my personal space ("Don't pop the bubble people")
5. People that make obnoixious noises when they know that people are annoyed, and they keep doing it even though people told them to stop
4. B.O.
7. when people complain about something, even though they know it's worse for the person they're talikng to. See More
8. attenion seekers
9. when people lie about things that they, and everyone else, knows is true
10. When people don't realize other people are in pain
11. people acting like they're parents/families are the worst to live with because they don't get everything their way
12. liars
13. braggers
14. people who think they're popular, but really they're mean and exclude people
15. people who don't give second chances, and judge someone by their past
16. non-sharers
And other stuff that I didn't list (There's a LOOOT more)
2. when people don't shower for more than 3 days
3. interrupting
4. when people get up in my personal space ("Don't pop the bubble people")
5. People that make obnoixious noises when they know that people are annoyed, and they keep doing it even though people told them to stop
4. B.O.
7. when people complain about something, even though they know it's worse for the person they're talikng to. See More
8. attenion seekers
9. when people lie about things that they, and everyone else, knows is true
10. When people don't realize other people are in pain
11. people acting like they're parents/families are the worst to live with because they don't get everything their way
12. liars
13. braggers
14. people who think they're popular, but really they're mean and exclude people
15. people who don't give second chances, and judge someone by their past
16. non-sharers
And other stuff that I didn't list (There's a LOOOT more)
on May 23, 2015

DEEZ nuts.... I swear if I have to hear it one more time I'm going to scream. T_T
I have to admit, I kinda like 21 x3
But in school, before I watched it, SO MANY PEOPLE were saying, 21 21 21 21, and it was SO repetitive and annoying. Then when I watched it, they of course stopped when I was actually starting to laugh about it -_-
But I didn't watch 'Deez nuts' (nor am I planning to) but it's SO FUDGING ANNOYING!!!!!
But in school, before I watched it, SO MANY PEOPLE were saying, 21 21 21 21, and it was SO repetitive and annoying. Then when I watched it, they of course stopped when I was actually starting to laugh about it -_-
But I didn't watch 'Deez nuts' (nor am I planning to) but it's SO FUDGING ANNOYING!!!!!
on May 24, 2015

Some of the vine meme jokes like that are a little funny, but deez nuts, and 21 are notfunny at all
on May 23, 2015
on May 23, 2015

List of people, or things people do, that's annoying:
1. One uppers
2.lies about life
4.drama queens
5.chew with mouth full
6. Talks to you like you're 5 and talks like they're 5 See More
7.gets all up in your face while they're talking
8. Goodie goodies
9.teacher's pets
10.bossy people
11.people who never talk even when you're asking a question
12.people who literally have visible burgers in their nose and don't blow their nose
13.people who act like they're 'all that'
14. people who do yo mama jokes
15.people who do any other stupid jokes
16. People who self pity ALOT LIKE NOT EVEN A LITTLE
17.people who can't take a joke
(I might've listed a thing more than once to show how much I hate it)
1. One uppers
2.lies about life
4.drama queens
5.chew with mouth full
6. Talks to you like you're 5 and talks like they're 5 See More
7.gets all up in your face while they're talking
8. Goodie goodies
9.teacher's pets
10.bossy people
11.people who never talk even when you're asking a question
12.people who literally have visible burgers in their nose and don't blow their nose
13.people who act like they're 'all that'
14. people who do yo mama jokes
15.people who do any other stupid jokes
16. People who self pity ALOT LIKE NOT EVEN A LITTLE
17.people who can't take a joke
(I might've listed a thing more than once to show how much I hate it)

on May 24, 2015

High-five. I hate yo-mama jokes as well. They're just plain rude and offensive. I mean, who cares?
on May 24, 2015
on May 23, 2015

When people one-up me
Like yesterday I was telling how I got a scar on my forehead (I got hi by a car door) and my friend says she got hers by getting hit by the trunk door and falling down and cracking her head open.
And the worst part was, she one upped me on this when we were telling the teacher! Who does that??!!
Like yesterday I was telling how I got a scar on my forehead (I got hi by a car door) and my friend says she got hers by getting hit by the trunk door and falling down and cracking her head open.
And the worst part was, she one upped me on this when we were telling the teacher! Who does that??!!
on May 23, 2015

When I stup my pinky toe on the wall
And when I take a step and it starts hurting randomly
And when I take a step and it starts hurting randomly
on May 23, 2015
Guess what came in the mail today? DEEZ NUTS! GOTTIE!
on May 24, 2015
on May 24, 2015
I didn't watch the vine (nor am I planning to) but I already hate it.
I didn't watch the vine (nor am I planning to) but I already hate it.
on May 24, 2015
on May 22, 2015
on May 22, 2015

When people say YOLO waaay too damn often. I just say "Only once, do you live," in a Yoda voice whenever I hear someone say that. Don't ask, I dunno either.
@sisaloofafump or Kenny from South Park xD
I say EBOLO >:3 (NigaHiga reference)
/I'm only including actual humans/
I say EBOLO >:3 (NigaHiga reference)
/I'm only including actual humans/
on May 24, 2015

You only live once. Unless your a time lord. Or Leo Valdez. Or practically every anime character in existence. Or Jack Harkness. Or ... The list goes on. Ad since I am a timecard, when I must, instead of saying YOLO, I say YOLAMTAYR. You only live as many times as you regenerate.
on May 22, 2015

I don't like it when people say yolo. Cause it basically means you can be super frickin stupid. I always say yah, you only live once, SO DONT FRIKIN WASTE IT! lol
on May 22, 2015
on May 22, 2015

Hashtags...... Every time I hear it I'm like GOD TAKE ME NOW
on May 12, 2015

When people don't use the right your/you're or there/their/they're or don't use apostrophes or capitals where they're supposed to, or they just use random periods. I'm a grammar freak
And a bitch
And a bitch

Your: belonging to you
You're: you are
There: over there
Their: it is theirs; belonging to them
They're: they are
You're: you are
There: over there
Their: it is theirs; belonging to them
They're: they are
on May 12, 2015
on May 12, 2015

When people say directions to do something and one person is like "what are we doing again?"
on May 08, 2015

When people pronounce things the "American" way (they don't bother to pronounce it like people in that country do if it's something like a name of a place, don't mean to be offensive I myself am an American) like when people pronounce Chile like chilly, it's really chee-lay
on May 08, 2015

People who self pity
on May 07, 2015

Saying "You throw like a girl" or anything like that. I just want to rip their flabby arms off and beat them with them. Or using stereotypes like that dresses are girly and that sports is a boy thing
on May 07, 2015

There's this woman I know, and she tends to use certain words/phrases A LOT. Here they are:
"That's not cool."
"..kind of clear..."
"I'm not trying to be mean, but..."
" boys..."
Here's a sentence that she uses ALL THE TIME: See More
"I'm not tryin' to be mean, but I really think you should get to work... your mom was kinda clear on what she wanted you to do, so... my boys are doing their work over there."
Except I'm ALWAYS doing my work; she's so dense that she can't tell an apple from an orange. That sounds kind of mean, but I'm serious. Also, her breath stinks. She's nosy. She tries to be funny but sounds stupid (wait, she doesn't only sound stupid; she IS stupid). She's desperate for my attention.
"That's not cool."
"..kind of clear..."
"I'm not trying to be mean, but..."
" boys..."
Here's a sentence that she uses ALL THE TIME: See More
"I'm not tryin' to be mean, but I really think you should get to work... your mom was kinda clear on what she wanted you to do, so... my boys are doing their work over there."
Except I'm ALWAYS doing my work; she's so dense that she can't tell an apple from an orange. That sounds kind of mean, but I'm serious. Also, her breath stinks. She's nosy. She tries to be funny but sounds stupid (wait, she doesn't only sound stupid; she IS stupid). She's desperate for my attention.
on May 07, 2015