on November 11, 2019

Unpopular opinion:
Slurs are only hateful if you use them hatefully, and it's just as okay to use them playfully with your friends as it is to walk into a room of friends and yell "WHATS UP SLUTS???"
Slurs are only hateful if you use them hatefully, and it's just as okay to use them playfully with your friends as it is to walk into a room of friends and yell "WHATS UP SLUTS???"
on January 30, 2019

I'm genuinely about to start using this site again lol. Like dang this is some nostalgia
on January 24, 2019
on January 24, 2019

on October 25, 2018

(This is Haruka_nanase and I am so sorry ily)

@South_Park I only kept them because I now have antidepressants. I can opt out and OD any time I want.
on January 07, 2019
on December 12, 2018
on February 01, 2016

my friend jay named one of their cats on neko atsume "little prick"
on January 24, 2016

please dont fuuck the skeleton pLEASE
on January 24, 2016

theres this one person that i dont like at ALL omg
and like /everyone/ likes them and i dont get it tbh???????
and like /everyone/ likes them and i dont get it tbh???????

on January 24, 2016
on January 24, 2016

ugghhh i wish i wasnt poor af without internet so i could buy cool stuff tbh
on January 24, 2016