so umm hehehe im gone open up to you guys.... im bisexual yes i like pussy and dick dont judge me cause itll say more about you then about me honey
?❤ and yes you can imagine me riding your dick or eating you pussy out go ahead mamas ???
?❤ and yes you can imagine me riding your dick or eating you pussy out go ahead mamas ???
on July 27, 2020

on July 27, 2020

my personality has changed well..... not really now i just say whats on my mind and what i feel like saying
on July 25, 2020

bitches be wanting to e looking as skinnny as a model lol just accept the fact that ur a big itch like u sexy looking like that cmon now show off em rolls it shows that u aint roke cause u can afford food lol
on July 23, 2020

NoBoDy LiKeS mE lmao gtfo of here cmon now uk damn well hella people like you so stfu w your fake loner ass like geez just stfu get a diary now lmao bye luv ?❤
on July 23, 2020

dont be posting depressing shit on q feast move your sad ass somewhere else biitch
on July 22, 2020

sooo i ate a scorpion lollipop......

@magic_fetus lmao my guy friend thought it was a roach and he was like "OmG sAnDrA aTe A rOaCh"
on July 13, 2020

on July 13, 2020
on July 13, 2020