give me a cute nickname

on August 02, 2020
on August 02, 2020

i had a crazy lucid dream last night

on August 01, 2020
on August 01, 2020

i keep sneezing in the shower its annoying whats more annoying is that i have no idea why i sneeze in the shower and come out and not a single sneeze shows up
on July 31, 2020

actually when i talk i be rude when i dont talk i gotta attitude..... leave me tf alone tskk
on July 30, 2020

i be rude asf when im mad so dont talk to me or imma hurt your feelings lmao
on July 30, 2020

bitches have no makeup style lmao just dont even wear makeup you look bad either way lmfao
on July 30, 2020

blakehomie is bound sexy ass fuckkkk she totaly my style i dont have a crush on her but im juss callinfg her sexy cause well she is so shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhn
on July 30, 2020

if you have shoe boxes hanging on your wall just shut the fuuck up
on July 30, 2020

i found the best ytber its mabel doll
on July 29, 2020

oops i ripped my moms bed sheet

@damien funny you should ask but jejejej i felt a small hole so i was playying with it for some reason and then RIPPPPP i made it bigger
on July 29, 2020
on July 29, 2020

so i uhhhhh hahah seperated my birds and well honey keeps chirping downstairs and mimi keeps chirping upstairs i dont know if they are planning something lol
on July 29, 2020

yes im not honestly proud of doing drugs i just like doing it its nun to be proud of so shut the fuckk up boo
on July 28, 2020

sorry not sorry ?
sorry not sorry ?

@damien well LMFAO thats true the more i look at it and ingnore the whit it does look like a naked rat lmfaooooooooo
on July 28, 2020

on July 28, 2020
on July 28, 2020

so i was wearing a pride tank top at church and ,muahahhahah the pastor was looking at me w a stank eye and when he passed me i murmured "homophobe" he looked so surprised and angry at the same time hahaahahhahhahahah
on July 27, 2020