Name: Oli Miles VanDongen
Age: gjvkbhj
Sex: Female
Gender: questioning/non-binary
Mental Illness(es): (specify if they are chronic) Anxiety, Gender Dysphoria
Physical Illness(es): (specify if they are chronic) N/A See More
Home Country: Australia
Type of Education: (public, home, private, college, etc) Public
Religion: N/A
Self-Identified MBTI Type: (you don't need to fill this out unless you believe that their is a type that you definitively fit into)
Opinion on MBTI: It’s kinda stupid
Name: Oli Miles VanDongen
Age: gjvkbhj
Sex: Female
Gender: questioning/non-binary
Mental Illness(es): (specify if they are chronic) Anxiety, Gender Dysphoria
Physical Illness(es): (specify if they are chronic) N/A See More
Home Country: Australia
Type of Education: (public, home, private, college, etc) Public
Religion: N/A
Self-Identified MBTI Type: (you don't need to fill this out unless you believe that their is a type that you definitively fit into)
Opinion on MBTI: It’s kinda stupid
on November 05, 2017

on November 05, 2017

join my kahoot
on October 22, 2017

It's hot outside and I am still wearing the same ripped jeans I wear every single day
it's almost summer
it's almost summer
on October 22, 2017

I'm sitting on my couch, surrounded by tissues, pillows, pill packets, sweat, empty tea boxes, used tea bags and depression
on September 10, 2017

on September 08, 2017

on September 08, 2017

I just remembered that my sucky "Grandma" is allergic to mangoes. I should give her a bowl of mangoes and be like "Here's your present!" And she'll go "But I'm allergic! I can't eat Mangoes you idiot!" But I'd respond "That's the point, bitch!"
Sophisticated and civilized language does not exist in this paragraph.
Sophisticated and civilized language does not exist in this paragraph.
on September 07, 2017