Experiment III
This is an experiment intended to test the consistency and accuracy of the MBTI personality test. If you're interested in being a subject, subscribe. More detailed instructions will be posted soon.
On desktop browsers to select multiple photos, hold the Ctrl key (⌘ on Mac) while choosing photos.
35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

Week 2: https://www.16personalities.com/profiles/85fa319d1d7a9
I or E: I
N or S: N
T or F: T
P or J: P
T or A: T
Mood: happy (it's my birthday!) See More
Sick?: nope
Rate your day (1-5): 4 (though the day only just started, I feel good)
Did you eat well?: yes
Did you exercise?: never
I or E: I
N or S: N
T or F: T
P or J: P
T or A: T
Mood: happy (it's my birthday!) See More
Sick?: nope
Rate your day (1-5): 4 (though the day only just started, I feel good)
Did you eat well?: yes
Did you exercise?: never

Sial Joans - The Logician | 16Personalities
Members Login
on November 15, 2017

Form B:
I or E: I
N or S: S
T or F: T
P or J: P
T or A: T
Mood: okay See More
Sick?: nope
Rate your day (1-5): 3
Did you eat well?: yup
Did you exercise?: nope, never do
I or E: I
N or S: S
T or F: T
P or J: P
T or A: T
Mood: okay See More
Sick?: nope
Rate your day (1-5): 3
Did you eat well?: yup
Did you exercise?: nope, never do
on November 10, 2017

Form B:
I or E: I
N or S: N
T or F: F
P or J: J
T or A: T
Mood: tired See More
Sick?: I don’t think I am...
Rate your day (1-5): 3
Did you eat well?: kinda, I wouldn’t have eaten because of cramps but I know that food helps
Did you exercise?: *sarcastic* Exercise? What’s that?
I or E: I
N or S: N
T or F: F
P or J: J
T or A: T
Mood: tired See More
Sick?: I don’t think I am...
Rate your day (1-5): 3
Did you eat well?: kinda, I wouldn’t have eaten because of cramps but I know that food helps
Did you exercise?: *sarcastic* Exercise? What’s that?
on November 10, 2017

Sorry for not mentioning it sooner (I wasn't online), but the experiment starts today. If you filled out the original form, then go to 16personalities.com and post your results, along with the following form:
Form B:
I or E:
N or S:
T or F:
P or J:
T or A: See More
Rate your day (1-5):
Did you eat well?:
Did you exercise?:
Form B:
I or E:
N or S:
T or F:
P or J:
T or A: See More
Rate your day (1-5):
Did you eat well?:
Did you exercise?:
on November 10, 2017

MIND: This trait determines how we interact with our environment.
ENERGY: This trait shows where we direct our mental energy.
51% OBSERVANT See More
NATURE: This trait determines how we make decisions and cope with emotions.
TACTICS: This trait reflects our approach to work, planning and decision-making.
IDENTITY: This trait underpins all others, showing how confident we are in our abilities and decisions.
MIND: This trait determines how we interact with our environment.
ENERGY: This trait shows where we direct our mental energy.
51% OBSERVANT See More
NATURE: This trait determines how we make decisions and cope with emotions.
TACTICS: This trait reflects our approach to work, planning and decision-making.
IDENTITY: This trait underpins all others, showing how confident we are in our abilities and decisions.

on November 09, 2017
on November 09, 2017

Name: Sial Joans
Age: 14 (soon 15)
Sex: female
Gender: female (that's a gender, right?)
Mental Illness(es): none that I know of
Physical Illness(es): none that I know of See More
Home Country: Egypt
Type of Education: private school
Religion: was a Christian, not sure now
Self-Identified MBTI Type: I have no idea
Opinion on MBTI: I love personality tests, no matter which, because I'm so identity confused all the time.
Name: Sial Joans
Age: 14 (soon 15)
Sex: female
Gender: female (that's a gender, right?)
Mental Illness(es): none that I know of
Physical Illness(es): none that I know of See More
Home Country: Egypt
Type of Education: private school
Religion: was a Christian, not sure now
Self-Identified MBTI Type: I have no idea
Opinion on MBTI: I love personality tests, no matter which, because I'm so identity confused all the time.
on November 05, 2017

Name: Jenesis or Valencia (my online names)
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Mental Illness(es):
- Diagnosed: Anxiety See More
- Possible but not diagnosed: ADD, Aspergers
Physical Illness(es): not really an illness but my knees are genetically messed up I guess (easier to dislocate than normal)
Home Country: U.S.
Type of Education: Private (Christian school as well)
Religion: Christian
Self-Identified MBTI Type: INFJ
Opinion on MBTI: it's neat, kinda want to dig deeper into it
Name: Jenesis or Valencia (my online names)
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Mental Illness(es):
- Diagnosed: Anxiety See More
- Possible but not diagnosed: ADD, Aspergers
Physical Illness(es): not really an illness but my knees are genetically messed up I guess (easier to dislocate than normal)
Home Country: U.S.
Type of Education: Private (Christian school as well)
Religion: Christian
Self-Identified MBTI Type: INFJ
Opinion on MBTI: it's neat, kinda want to dig deeper into it
on November 05, 2017

Name: Oli Miles VanDongen
Age: gjvkbhj
Sex: Female
Gender: questioning/non-binary
Mental Illness(es): (specify if they are chronic) Anxiety, Gender Dysphoria
Physical Illness(es): (specify if they are chronic) N/A See More
Home Country: Australia
Type of Education: (public, home, private, college, etc) Public
Religion: N/A
Self-Identified MBTI Type: (you don't need to fill this out unless you believe that their is a type that you definitively fit into)
Opinion on MBTI: It’s kinda stupid
Name: Oli Miles VanDongen
Age: gjvkbhj
Sex: Female
Gender: questioning/non-binary
Mental Illness(es): (specify if they are chronic) Anxiety, Gender Dysphoria
Physical Illness(es): (specify if they are chronic) N/A See More
Home Country: Australia
Type of Education: (public, home, private, college, etc) Public
Religion: N/A
Self-Identified MBTI Type: (you don't need to fill this out unless you believe that their is a type that you definitively fit into)
Opinion on MBTI: It’s kinda stupid
on November 05, 2017

Name: Victoria A [Cencored]
Age: 14
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Mental Illnesses: Aspergers, depression, ADD
Physical Illnesses: N/A See More
Home Contry: North America
Type of education: Public
Religon: Christian
Opinion of MBTI: It's an intresting look on personalities, but shouldn't be relied on
Name: Victoria A [Cencored]
Age: 14
Sex: Female
Gender: Female
Mental Illnesses: Aspergers, depression, ADD
Physical Illnesses: N/A See More
Home Contry: North America
Type of education: Public
Religon: Christian
Opinion of MBTI: It's an intresting look on personalities, but shouldn't be relied on
on November 05, 2017

Mental Illness(es): (specify if they are chronic)
Physical Illness(es): (specify if they are chronic) See More
Home Country:
Type of Education: (public, home, private, college, etc)
Self-Identified MBTI Type: (you don't need to fill this out unless you believe that their is a type that you definitively fit into)
Opinion on MBTI:
Mental Illness(es): (specify if they are chronic)
Physical Illness(es): (specify if they are chronic) See More
Home Country:
Type of Education: (public, home, private, college, etc)
Self-Identified MBTI Type: (you don't need to fill this out unless you believe that their is a type that you definitively fit into)
Opinion on MBTI:
on November 05, 2017

Alright! Firstly, thank you to all of you that have subscribed~
This is how this is going to work. Right now, everyone who wants to participate must fill out Form A (to be posted soon) and post it on this page. This form must be submitted by next Wednesday (Nov 8). If you do not fill out this form, you may not participate.
Every day - at any time during that day - for the next month, you'll take the MBTI test at 16personalities dot com. Then you'll fill out Form B (to be posted) See More and post it on this page. By the time this ends, we will have data about how often the MBTI answers shift, what people are most likely to experience these shifts and what kinds of shifts, and what other variables likely affect typing. Results will be compiled and posted.
If you have any questions, comment them here.
This is how this is going to work. Right now, everyone who wants to participate must fill out Form A (to be posted soon) and post it on this page. This form must be submitted by next Wednesday (Nov 8). If you do not fill out this form, you may not participate.
Every day - at any time during that day - for the next month, you'll take the MBTI test at 16personalities dot com. Then you'll fill out Form B (to be posted) See More and post it on this page. By the time this ends, we will have data about how often the MBTI answers shift, what people are most likely to experience these shifts and what kinds of shifts, and what other variables likely affect typing. Results will be compiled and posted.
If you have any questions, comment them here.

@sialjoans Yeah, sure! Whenever you have time to complete it. Maximum once a day, minimum once a week.
on November 08, 2017

Instead of every day, can it be like once or twice a week instead? The test is long and I'm pretty busy... I mean, I should be studying right now.
on November 08, 2017
on November 05, 2017

on November 02, 2017