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My Robin character (name Cecilia) and Chrom during the Rank B relationship conversation <3

Oh that relationship chain was a good one, for some reason female Robin always seems to throw things at the guys

I love calling those things that XD
on September 05, 2015

on September 05, 2015

on September 05, 2015

I', drawing tonight, but you can message me you FC and next time I am on my DS I shall add you x3
on September 05, 2015

Yea dem stank boxes too OP
on September 05, 2015

But hey wanna hook up friend codes and have a quick double battle same rules as the dragon tournament that was a while back? Any pokemon you want has to have one dragon and its double battle?
on September 05, 2015

Same, I tend to also grind a lot to get high levels XD
on September 05, 2015

I've only had the game since like july so I haven't got too much done yet I'm only in like a fifth total play through and trying to be a completionist about it
on September 05, 2015

Yee that one is cute too x3
on September 05, 2015

And I never would have thought that fredrik was lisias first crush :3
on September 05, 2015

Honestly I quit with the OTP stuff in that game I started working in skills and stats best put together, like Laurent with pavise, top kek right there!
on September 05, 2015

YES. That is one of my other fave pairings <3
on September 05, 2015

Did you ever put kellam and miriel together? She clings to his arm in B and she doesn't really let go til after she gets a ring xD
on September 05, 2015

yeah this is why I stick with all the other wonderful baes in the game <3
on September 05, 2015

And he's more that just messed up
on September 05, 2015

I used the qr code sxploit and then made a monster whimsicott, its a rage monster shiny and perfect ivs and perfectly legal and legit too xD
on September 05, 2015

Yeah, he's messed up in the head >>
on September 05, 2015

Oh my. I mostly IV breed on there then name them strange things, and release some of them on wondertrade xD Like a skuntank called pepe le pew xD
on September 05, 2015

Well it seems gross to me sekng how gangrel is a pile of trash!
on September 05, 2015

I knew about the recruiting but never thought about pairing him x'D
on September 05, 2015

Oh I have such a troll team for poke.on I 3 0 a lot of people with it in the tournament format I did, I could never get them out after the tourny though so... :/
on September 05, 2015

Well you can recruit gangrel so yea you can have Robin marry gangrel walhart yenfe aversa emm, and a few others
on September 05, 2015

I don't have smash brothers but I do have Pokemon X and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire x3
on September 05, 2015

omg you can ship them? xD The more you know I guess lol
on September 05, 2015

And hey you wouldn't happen to have smash bros for the DS would ya? :3
on September 05, 2015

One of my NOTPs is Robin and gangrel IDK WHY ANYONE WOULD SHIP THAT!
on September 05, 2015

omg yes OwainxCynthia is one of my OTPs x3
on September 05, 2015

They are siblings at my current play through XD but owain and Cynthia are perfect for each other they act exactly the same! XD
on September 05, 2015

AWWWW poor Yarne xD I hooked Yarne and Lucina together LOL
on September 05, 2015

Not the brightest guy for stuff though XD and Morgan is so mean to yarne, if you haven't seen that one, he gets married to her (providing you play a boy) and she yanks on his ears CONSTANTLY xD
on September 05, 2015

omg yes Donnel is such a sweetie too xD
on September 05, 2015

Yep xd and Fredrick and Cordelia A rank is great too XD well the S rank was great "if you consider you whining why Fredrick why, eating all the sandwiches and running away with the hamper a talk..." But Cordelia and donnel is a romcom all to itsself xd making lists of donnels flaws xD
on September 05, 2015

That pairing is cute too~ Panee having to help him down all the time xD
on September 05, 2015

Idk I thought Gauis would be pretty good with panee
on September 05, 2015

Poor Fredric x'D I also love the pairing of pairing of RobinxGauis <3
on September 05, 2015

I really felt bad when I got the Fredric relationship up. It was after chrom got married so the jerky I gave him was like 2 years old XD he wasn't over exaggerating at that time xD
on September 05, 2015

And sneaking into his tent XD
on September 05, 2015

Yep. if she isn't throwing things at Chrom, then she's throwing stuff at poor Lon'qu xD
on September 05, 2015
on September 05, 2015
on September 05, 2015