xKearax added a question to the starred list

Entrepreneurs Day Help Needed! See at the end of every term here at my school, we have ...
on March 06, 2013

German Shepherd Rescue!
on March 06, 2013
on March 06, 2013

Okay, so today, the king of fat cats was rolling about the kitchen floor because any time my dad's in the kitchen, he thinks he's getting food. But my dad started petting him and Kaspar rolled about like a pig in mud x D Then my dad went back to making dinner, when I saw Kaspar messing about beside the washing basket, I told my dad and we laughed! "If you like the washing basket so much," my dad said, using all of his strength to pick up the king of fat cats, "then you're just See More as well as going in it!" Kaspar was in the basket, and when he realized where he was, he toppled out of the basket and fell into our dogs water container! His tail got wet and he went away and hid! LOL
on March 06, 2013

Sorry guys, haven't been on in ages, but I'm back with new and exclusive news of Kaspar!
on March 06, 2013

Hey Remus, I'm just wondering why you haven't made any quizzes since-well, ages! I used to be amazed by your quizzes, so it would be great if you could make more

Great to know! I knew you were up to something! And thank you, can't wait to hear more of you : )
on March 08, 2013

Thank you for your appreciations kearahodge01! Although I haven't made any quiz since a very long time, as you said, I am very active on Qfeast.
The cause is time, I am a so a busy person, I think I need 48 hours day :)
The next thing that I will make it is a Lil Wayne page, (waiting to add background on pages).
How about you, your quizzes are so well made, See More you'll get so many followers!
The cause is time, I am a so a busy person, I think I need 48 hours day :)
The next thing that I will make it is a Lil Wayne page, (waiting to add background on pages).
How about you, your quizzes are so well made, See More you'll get so many followers!
on March 08, 2013
on March 06, 2013

No offence but i do not think the akitas suit you
you are the german shepherd girl here
not saying the akitas are not cute because they are the cutest likkle akitas but you now what i mean
you are the german shepherd girl here
not saying the akitas are not cute because they are the cutest likkle akitas but you now what i mean
on March 05, 2013

Dog #1: Can I have some space?
Dog #2: No.. COO COO!
Dog#1: I just hate you so much!
Dog #2: No.. COO COO!
Dog#1: I just hate you so much!

on March 05, 2013
on March 05, 2013

Bye everybody!
on March 04, 2013

on March 04, 2013

hey whats up?
on March 04, 2013

99 Fun Facts about Dogs
Random, interesting dog facts, including origins, myths and legends, crazy laws, and amazing statistics.
on March 04, 2013

!Dog facts of the week!
-Dogs have three eyelids!
-Obsessive dogs owners should know this, but when dogs pant, you'd think the sweat comes out of their tongue, but you're so obviously wrong! Their pads have sweat glands! AKA paws! Geez obsessive dog owners, if you didn't know that, it was a cheap mark for sale!
-The most dogs ever owned by one person were 5,000 Mastiffs owned by Kubla Khan.
-You'll laugh at this one...Did you know that Dachshunds were originally bred to fight See More badgers in their dens? *No* Neither did I!
-A puppy is born blind, deaf, and toothless-really? I hope you're writing this down!
-It costs approximately $10,000 to train a federally certified search and rescue dog-who wanted the Bernese? Pay up!
-Dog's nose prints are as unique as human finger prints!
LOL from Keara- LOL meaning Lots Of Love : x
-Dogs have three eyelids!
-Obsessive dogs owners should know this, but when dogs pant, you'd think the sweat comes out of their tongue, but you're so obviously wrong! Their pads have sweat glands! AKA paws! Geez obsessive dog owners, if you didn't know that, it was a cheap mark for sale!
-The most dogs ever owned by one person were 5,000 Mastiffs owned by Kubla Khan.
-You'll laugh at this one...Did you know that Dachshunds were originally bred to fight See More badgers in their dens? *No* Neither did I!
-A puppy is born blind, deaf, and toothless-really? I hope you're writing this down!
-It costs approximately $10,000 to train a federally certified search and rescue dog-who wanted the Bernese? Pay up!
-Dog's nose prints are as unique as human finger prints!
LOL from Keara- LOL meaning Lots Of Love : x

i knew dogs have 3 eye lids.
i knew about the sweating paw thing
cool mastiff fact.
You didnt know that dachsuinds were originly bred for badger baiting?i did!
i knew puppys are born blind deaf and have no tetth See More
its bernese mountain dog not bernese
i knew about the sweating paw thing
cool mastiff fact.
You didnt know that dachsuinds were originly bred for badger baiting?i did!
i knew puppys are born blind deaf and have no tetth See More
its bernese mountain dog not bernese
on March 05, 2013
on March 04, 2013

Daddy's Day (A Little Girl's Poem)
Daddy's Day (known as Daddy's Poem, A Little Girl's Poem and many others) is written by Cheryl Costello-Forshey. Unlike most versions, this is her original p...

Get the tissues out...And please watch, especially Liffey, no particular reason, you just need to watch it
on March 04, 2013
on March 04, 2013

How to make a leather dog collar by Cerberus Designs Artisan
We walk you though some of the steps in the creation of our Jade Venom leather dog collar in this video. Comments always appreciated. Please check out our en...
on March 03, 2013