My cat Kaspar!
Subscribe or become a member to keep up to date with my big Bombay cat, Kaspar! You'll never get bored because he's always doing something weird x D Enjoy~

I've realized that Kaspar sprawls himself out on the floor when he wants attention x D

on June 22, 2013

on April 12, 2013

on April 12, 2013
on March 23, 2013

Well, about half an hour ago, we left the sitting room door open because we wanted to hear the delivery man, but only slightly, so Mog and King of Fat Cats were trying to figure out how to get out the tight space, when Mog pulled the door holder thing back a little and slipped out, barely! But Kaspar stood there for like 5 minutes, watching Mog have fun out in the other room, wondering how to get out, but then he found out the sad truth that he was too fat : / but the delivery See More food guy came, and he got out when we opened the door!
on March 09, 2013

Okay, so today, the king of fat cats was rolling about the kitchen floor because any time my dad's in the kitchen, he thinks he's getting food. But my dad started petting him and Kaspar rolled about like a pig in mud x D Then my dad went back to making dinner, when I saw Kaspar messing about beside the washing basket, I told my dad and we laughed! "If you like the washing basket so much," my dad said, using all of his strength to pick up the king of fat cats, "then you're just See More as well as going in it!" Kaspar was in the basket, and when he realized where he was, he toppled out of the basket and fell into our dogs water container! His tail got wet and he went away and hid! LOL
on March 06, 2013

Sorry guys, haven't been on in ages, but I'm back with new and exclusive news of Kaspar!
on March 06, 2013

Today, Kaspar was lying down, then I got this little mouse toy thing, it was made of twine I think, but I tried putting him in one of those funny positions, right? Then my mum got some funny pictures of him! I'll try to upload them! LOL!
on February 09, 2013

Kaspar was snoring today......Yep.......He snores when he's awake too, he's like a pug! But only Kaspar doesn't have breathing problems!

on February 17, 2013
on February 09, 2013

Today, I tried to pet Kaspar when he sat down beside me, but he started hitting me! He didn't claw at me, but he kept hitting me with his paw as if to say, "Get your hands off my sandwich!"
on February 08, 2013

LOL When I let Kaspar inside today, he ran straight into the kitchen as if we was going to get some Whiskas, but I went into the kitchen and lifted him up..I felt like I was holding a ton! He was so heavy, and when I was letting him down, he didn't make an effort to move! Typical Kaspar : /
on February 06, 2013

on February 03, 2013

I'm cuddling Kaspar (because he's amazing!) And he's moved back to his old space now : /
on February 03, 2013

Right now, Kaspar is being normal for once in his life : ) he's scratching his chin, he's licking his toes..And he's lying down : / sorry everyone, I promised you that Kaspar would do weird things all the time, but-ooh! He tried to bite me! He's playful Kaspar again!
on February 03, 2013

Kaspar was meowing like MAD for his food! He doesn't meow like a normal cat though, he says "Myerm!" but, that's Kaspar!
on February 03, 2013

I brought Kaspar onto my lap and I can't get him off! Yikes! He's too heavy! And he's snoring again and he managed to roll over, that's a lot for Kaspar!
on February 03, 2013

Kaspar is like a rag doll! I literally just lifted him onto my knee and he snored : / that's all he did! Then I put him back and he's stretching out for Mog (my other cat!)
on February 03, 2013

on February 03, 2013

Oh! Almost forgot! If you scratch his ear, he shakes his legs! we do love Kaspar! He eats chewing gum! He's an extraordinary cat! He walks like a Bulldog and he's famous in our household for it!
on February 03, 2013

Ok, he's sleeping at the minute, but I can roll him over whenever I want LOL!
on February 03, 2013

It's like he's playing dead! Yep! That means he's lying on his back again! Heput his head right back and threw his paws in the air! We found out that if you scratch his tummy, he rolls over again!
on February 03, 2013

Ok, Kaspar has just rolled over and he's stuck! Ok, he rolled over again, but he doesn't lye like a normal cat!

oh sorry, you were right. i had to look it up when i rote it at first and i thought that that was how you spelled it, sorry : (
on February 06, 2013

on February 03, 2013
on February 03, 2013