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on March 17, 2013

Keara, i'm not going to be talking on wednesday and thursday, got a 3 day and 2 night trip with the class. :(

I just like to know that I'm talking to kids, and I know you are, but some people aren't and once I ended up talking to someone at 19 by mistake x (
on March 17, 2013
on March 17, 2013

Turtles are like rainbows in a special kind of way
on March 17, 2013

I drew two pictures today : ) one was of converse and the other of a womna
on March 17, 2013

What Lady and the Tramp character are you?
Are you more like Lady or maybe Tramp or even a siamese cat?
Well here you will find out!
on March 17, 2013

What makes you beautiful?
This is not the song by One Direction, this is a quiz where you're going to find out what makes you beautiful! Is it your smile, personality, intelligence, forgiving nature what?! Take this quiz to find out! Enjoy!
P.S. This is basically just for girls! LOL
P.P.S. Please rate, comment and maybe fave! x
on March 17, 2013

COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on March 16, 2013

on March 16, 2013

Who is your favorite author everyone? I wanna know!

on March 17, 2013
on March 16, 2013

Search up Don't stop until you get enough backwards! JOIN THE NAVY HOT HOT HOT CHOCOLATE!
on March 16, 2013

Chapter 11!!!! P.s you know already don't you? >:)
on March 16, 2013

I published a new quiz! ;)
on March 16, 2013

New profile pic, eh?
on March 15, 2013

What dance style suits you?
Do you ever watch Strictly Come Dancing, Got To Dance or Dancing on Ice and think, "Wow-I'd love to be able to do that back flip!" or, "How the heck did she get her head between her legs? What!" well, you've come to the right place...Want to start dancing? See what style of dance would suit you...
on March 15, 2013

This is a story about an elderly woman who still recalls her Alsatian even after 70 years.
This story will be quite sad so be ready for some tears x
May I mention that this story is dedicated to Dexter the German Shepherd at Benvardin Kennels, NI
on March 15, 2013