What makes you beautiful?

What makes you beautiful?

This is not the song by One Direction, this is a quiz where you're going to find out what makes you beautiful! Is it your smile, personality, intelligence, forgiving nature what?! Take this quiz to find out! Enjoy! P.S. This is basically just for girls! LOL P.P.S. Please rate, comment and maybe fave! x

published on March 16, 2013

If you could make the world a better place, what would you do?

If you could make the world a better place, what would you do?
That everyone forgave others and forgot about it!
That everyone could keep other people's secrets.
That everyone had friends and everyone was friendly and kind and there was no bullying!
That everyone was happy every day!
That everyone had intelligence so that they could have a great job when they grew up!
That everyone had an epic sense of humour!
That dance was a part of life and everyone was good at dancing! ;)
Make sure that everyone had a smile on their face.

What quote do you like best out of these?

What quote do you like best out of these?
"It takes a strong person to apologize, but an even stronger person to forgive."
~ Anonymous
“I was smiling yesterday, I am smiling today and I will smile tomorrow. Simply because life is too short to cry for anything.”
~ Santosh Kalwar
"Trust takes years to build, seconds to break and forever to repair."
~ Anonymous
"Intelligence plus character- that is the goal of true education."
~ Martin Luther King Jr.
"Be friendly to everyone. Those who deserve it the least need it the most."
~ Bo Bennett
"A woman can be over dressed but never over elegant."
~ Coco Chanel
"Happiness is a journey, NOT a destination."
~ Ben Sweetland
"If you don't like my sense of humour, tell me so that I can laugh at you."
~ Anonymous

You see your crush. What do you do?

You see your crush. What do you do?
Give him a great big smile.
Walk over and say hello.
Quickly look back into your book, you're way too shy.
Do a twirl.
Oh, I don't have a crush. I had a boyfriend but he broke up with me. I forgave him though.
Go over to him and tell him that you are still keeping his secret.
Tell him to always be happy!
Tell him a joke.

Keep calm and...

Keep calm and...
Laugh out loud!
Be Friendly!
Forgive and forget!
Keep a secret!
Be Intelligent!

What do you like doing?

What do you like doing?
Helping people.
Reading, writing.
Smiling. The world is a better place with smiles.
Being happy. La la la..
Keeping secrets to myself. :3
Cheering people up and laughing.

What is your life motto? ^-^

What is your life motto? ^-^
Be Happy and Don't worry!
Keep Reading!
Dance, always and forever!
Forgive and Forget.
Keep Smiling!
Keep secrets!
Laugh Out Loud whenever you can!
Be Friendly everyday!

You're at the library! There are thousands of books to choose from! But what book do you choose?

You're at the library! There are thousands of books to choose from! But what book do you choose?
Your Smile Makes me Smile.
Friendliness is half of life.
A factual book.
A book about Ballet.
Forgive and Forget
Keeping secrets.
Be Happy, now, tomorrow, forever.
My Biggest Book Of Jokes.

It's time to choose school clubs!
(I know these are weird but choose the one you like!)

It's time to choose school clubs! (I know these are weird but choose the one you like!)
How to keep a secret.
The Book Club!
The Dancers!
Forgive & Forget.
Be happy.
The Jokers club
Make the world a better place by smiling!
The Official Welcoming Committee!

What job do you want when you grow up?

What job do you want when you grow up?
A greeter...
A dancer. <3
A counsellor, so I can help people sort out their problems so they can forgive & forget.
An agent, because I'm trustworthy.
A model, because I love to smile!
Anything that makes me happy.
A comedian!
Something educational...

How would your friends describe you?

How would your friends describe you?
Happy. :)

Personal question:
What do you think makes YOU beautiful?

Personal question: What do you think makes YOU beautiful?
My elegance.
My trustworthy personality.
My intelligence.
My forgiving nature.
My sense of humour.
My smile.
My friendly personality.
My happiness.