I GTG to bed now, guys. Seeya tomorrow.
on November 19, 2015

I just took an emoji quiz.
Apparently, I'm unknown, unneeded, and unwanted...
I'm really mad about this right now. One of the worst quizzes I've ever taken.
Apparently, I'm unknown, unneeded, and unwanted...
I'm really mad about this right now. One of the worst quizzes I've ever taken.

EXACTLY. I still don't understand why anyone would ever in a million years even think about giving that as a result... Ugh.
on November 19, 2015
on November 19, 2015

Me watching a music video on youtube:
Me: Wow, this music is so deep and emotional...
Me: But this guy is really insecure and unsure about this. He's definitely passionate for music, but he's afraid that if he goes against what his producers demand, he'll definitely lose his career.
Me: OMG I love this moment!!! I almost cried the music was so intense
Me: I think that this is a slightly awkward, weird, and confusing moment, and it seems that the poor singer being filmed does See More too.
Me: I can so relate this line to my music
Me: Annnd here is where it's very obvious that this singer is not exactly sure what to do and that he's not a good actor
Me: And here's the moment where it becomes truly obvious how passionate he is about his music.
~video ends~
Me: Was it all a lie? *watches again*
Me: Wow, this music is so deep and emotional...
Me: But this guy is really insecure and unsure about this. He's definitely passionate for music, but he's afraid that if he goes against what his producers demand, he'll definitely lose his career.
Me: OMG I love this moment!!! I almost cried the music was so intense
Me: I think that this is a slightly awkward, weird, and confusing moment, and it seems that the poor singer being filmed does See More too.
Me: I can so relate this line to my music
Me: Annnd here is where it's very obvious that this singer is not exactly sure what to do and that he's not a good actor
Me: And here's the moment where it becomes truly obvious how passionate he is about his music.
~video ends~
Me: Was it all a lie? *watches again*
on November 19, 2015

I'm going to write a Qfeast story about Descendants, with one small difference..... What if a different four were chosen? I must write this book. *evil villain plotting look* MWAHAHAHA I have such a great idea.....
on November 18, 2015

OK, but I want to make one thing clear. Despite all of the discrepancies and mistakes and a few facepalm scenes, I think that Descendants is a genuinely good movie. Just wanted to make that clear.
on November 18, 2015

And not to mention that the psychological effect that growing up in an abusive, single-parent home would've had on these kids was never mentioned or even brought up at all. Seriously. Are the makers of this film implying that these kids never thought about their other birth parents at all?
on November 18, 2015

Did I mention that Evie and Mal were sworn enemies that hated each other at first? It would take quite awhile for even a small friendship to develop. They considered themselves slight allies at the end of the book, but blatantly refused to think of themselves as friends. Also, Evie and Carlos should be dating. They sort of started falling for each other in the books. I HATED how shallow Evie was represented; wanting nothing more than a prince. Even though that was her mother's See More goal, it wasn't necessarily hers.
I'm hoping that someone who actually cares will either agree with or contradict me on one of these rant posts so that I can have a conversation about this with someone.
I'm hoping that someone who actually cares will either agree with or contradict me on one of these rant posts so that I can have a conversation about this with someone.
on November 18, 2015

I'm also really upset about how the parents were represented in the movie. Cruella was slightly insane and verbally abused Carlos; treating him more like a slave than a son. Maleficent was power-hungry; almost crazily so. She was constantly verbally abusing Mal and making her feel small and unworthy; even with her NAME. Mal is a shortened version of Maleficent, which Maleficent gave her for the sole reason of constantly reminding her of how unworthy she was of even her complete See More first name. The Evil Queen was beauty-obsessed and constantly trying to make Evie better; but not TOO good, otherwise she'd have to kill her, because NO ONE could be more fair than her and get away with it (except that witch Snow, ugh). In the movie, for some reason, the Evil Queen looks UGLY. I HATE that. She was seriously still the fairest of them all, only behind Snow White. And she's always setting unrealistic beauty standards for Evie, and scorning her when she can't match up. Evie is much more self-conscious and introverted in the book than she is in the movie. Jafar, I think, was fairly represented, I guess. He was crazy and always looking for a Big Score to get him off of the island.
on November 18, 2015

I hate how the movie "Descendants" treats Jay, Evie, and Carlos. Especially Carlos. Am I the only person who's read "Isle of the Lost" by Melissa De Cruz? I feel like the movie HUGELY underestimated everyone's character but Mal's, which REALLY annoys me. Carlos was a lot more emotionally confused and had a much more developed character. So did Jay and Evie. In the movie, it's like the only person given any attention is Mal.
Sorry, I just recently watched this movie with my young See More cousins, and I need somewhere to rant.
Sorry, I just recently watched this movie with my young See More cousins, and I need somewhere to rant.
on November 18, 2015

When I see a movie like "Descendants" or read a book series like "Ever After High," all I see is the wasted potential. These things that have been turned into kids movies actually could have deep emotional and philosophical meaning. Huge expectations, unclear lines between right and wrong, tough choices between family and individuality..... These series (and many others) could've been SO amazing as a YA fiction series or a movie aimed at older audiences. I mean, seriously. What See More if YOU had been raised stuck in one place your whole life, abused by your parents and given huge standards that you still really want to reach because... Well, they're you're parents, no matter what, and you just want them to love you. You're constantly striving to get that love and attention from them, and your constant failure makes you feel worse and worse. It's not even until someone from a far off place -- almost like a fairytale world to you -- decides to give you a second chance and let you into their world that you start to question the thin lines between right and wrong. In this entirely strange and difficult new world, you not only struggle to fit in and be accepted -- which you've been struggling with all of your life -- but you actually start to wonder if you've been wrong about what your moral standards should be for your whole life. But just as soon as you start to feel like you could actually change, the people here show their true colors and totally reject you. Convinced that even your own nasty parents would be more accepting than these people, you start to turn against them. But there are more complications -- you're wondering if you're falling in love, which your parents would NOT approve of. You can't tell which side is right and which is wrong or which you should choose....
on November 18, 2015

on November 18, 2015

Funny how, on an OUAT RP, I had decided Rumpelstiltskin and Belle would be my parents.... Little did I realize that the Dark One and I are the same personality type. Which type are you?

Beautiful Things: Once Upon a Time Myers-Briggs (MBTI) Personality Types (Just for Fun!)
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
on November 18, 2015


We Did An In-Depth Analysis Of 21 Disney Female Leads
And these are the magical things we discovered.
on November 17, 2015

OK, I am getting REALLY tired of overpowered OCs. I always try to make sure that my characters either have one decent power or several smaller ones. Then I go and see people with blessings from a bunch of gods, time travel, mind reading (at absolutely every level), and at least three or more powers. It's really just getting on my nerves, especially when the maker of a page specifically requests that there be no more than a certain number of powers. Seriously, why? See More We live normal lives with NO powers, and we're awesome. Why do we have to add on so many cool things like that? It makes me really frustrated and mad. It ruins the RP (or book, or movie, or TV show) when one character is this ultimate superpower with ALL of the elements, flight, mind control, telepathy, and time travel and the other character has pyrokinesis (the ability to control and make fire) and the ability to tell when someone's lying. Seriously, people. Tone it down.
OK, I am getting REALLY tired of overpowered OCs. I always try to make sure that my characters either have one decent power or several smaller ones. Then I go and see people with blessings from a bunch of gods, time travel, mind reading (at absolutely every level), and at least three or more powers. It's really just getting on my nerves, especially when the maker of a page specifically requests that there be no more than a certain number of powers. Seriously, why? See More We live normal lives with NO powers, and we're awesome. Why do we have to add on so many cool things like that? It makes me really frustrated and mad. It ruins the RP (or book, or movie, or TV show) when one character is this ultimate superpower with ALL of the elements, flight, mind control, telepathy, and time travel and the other character has pyrokinesis (the ability to control and make fire) and the ability to tell when someone's lying. Seriously, people. Tone it down.
on November 17, 2015

Like that Hades is her real dad, not Ares? Or more along the lines of Hades being a secret boyfriend?
on November 17, 2015
on November 17, 2015

OK.... But isn't that a Hades thing? And if she's the goddess of dark matter (what is dark matter, anyways? Shadow dravel? Shadows? Black sand like Pitch from ROTG?) wouldn't she have a much more brooding personality? As a daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, I think that some sort of emotion would be more suitable.
on November 17, 2015
on November 17, 2015
How about you?