wanna RP?

it's your turn
on November 21, 2015

Oh yeah sure
on November 21, 2015
on November 21, 2015

I'm in your bio...? Thanks so much!!

:D Thanks
I don't know you very well as of this moment but I definitely hope to get to know you better :D
BTW, are you a Christian?
I don't know you very well as of this moment but I definitely hope to get to know you better :D
BTW, are you a Christian?
on November 21, 2015
on November 21, 2015

you still on?
on November 21, 2015

I made this a long time ago, but I just now realized that it was "hidden." In honor of the Star Wars movie soon to come out, I present to you the Star Wars RP page!!

Star Wars RP
If you love Star Wars, and you love to RP, then come to this page! I will post a form. Rules: No cursing. No inappropriate stuff. Have fun!
on November 21, 2015

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

How Gypsy Are You?
on November 21, 2015

on November 21, 2015

Sad Cat Diary
The diary of sad cats everywhere :( Tweet This :: http://bit.ly/1a8AnDP (you can add text !) Post To FB :: http://on.fb.me/19wNCLy Music : http://bit.ly/1479...
on November 20, 2015

Wow... I can't believe that I have 671 followers! I remember the day I had 3 and was still confused as to how to work the site. Also the day when I got 60 and did a happy dance all over my house. XD
on November 20, 2015

vive_la_revolution asked a question

Do you guys ship anyone from any of my stories? You probably don't :p But if you do I'd...
on November 20, 2015

Ugh writer's block is killing me right now...
Ugh writer's block is killing me right now...

I'm working (or trying to) on my "Isle of the Lost" re-write and stalling on my novel that I want to publish.
on November 20, 2015
on November 20, 2015


oh... that's sad....but I don't really like dogs, so I guess it doesn't matter to me
on November 21, 2015

And when they went and basically murdered all of the dogs in the town.... I legitimately cried. That was awful.
on November 21, 2015
on November 20, 2015

I finally finished the first chapter of my new story --- the prologue is complete!
XD Wow that took way too long
I finally finished the first chapter of my new story --- the prologue is complete!
XD Wow that took way too long
on November 20, 2015

on November 20, 2015