Acrophobia vs. Altophobia
There's a big difference. A lot of people say that they have acrophobia because it's the better known term, but it's actually rarer. If you're mortally terrified (you get sweaty, might pass out, mental trauma, weak muscles, trembling, etc.) of falling three feet, then you have acrophobia. If you're equally scared, but instead of falling seventy feet, you probably have altophobia.
There's a big difference. A lot of people say that they have acrophobia because it's the better known term, but it's actually rarer. If you're mortally terrified (you get sweaty, might pass out, mental trauma, weak muscles, trembling, etc.) of falling three feet, then you have acrophobia. If you're equally scared, but instead of falling seventy feet, you probably have altophobia.
on November 24, 2015

Finally! Something that actually explains my weirdness! Google it.
Finally! Something that actually explains my weirdness! Google it.

:D Thanks. I also like modern sci-fi, fantasy, and dystopian future societies. Those aren't exactly old, but I particularly love Percy Jackson and Hunger Games. I'm a young author (and currently writing a sci-fi book to be published and a more detailed take on "The Lady, or the Tiger?") bookworm fangirl with almost no life.
on November 24, 2015

:D I LOVE Shakespeare. Midsummer Night's Dream is my favorite. I've also recently become obsessed with "The Lady, or the Tiger?" by Frank. R. Stockton.
on November 24, 2015

on November 24, 2015
on November 24, 2015

The fear of long words. Ironic how that works.
The fear of long words. Ironic how that works.

on November 24, 2015
on November 24, 2015

Did some research. I actually don't have acrophobia (phobia of heights), but I do have thantophobia, phobia of losing my family. Comparing them in my head, I can see a very clear difference.
on November 24, 2015

Darn. Apparently I need more characters to make that story public....
on November 24, 2015

I LOVE this story.
I LOVE this story.
on November 24, 2015

on November 24, 2015

Loving this song right now. I can't help it; the emotional depth and vibes I am getting from this are absolutely... I have no words.
Loving this song right now. I can't help it; the emotional depth and vibes I am getting from this are absolutely... I have no words.

Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello - I Know What You Did Last Summer (Cover by Meg DeAngelis & Josh Levi)
So.. what did I do last summer? CAN WE GET THIS TO 200,000 thumbs up? :) So Josh and I have been wanting to work together for a while now and so we thought t...
on November 24, 2015

When I go for something, I go for it with everything I have. Later, if I regret it, I regret it and want to make up for it with absolutely everything in me.
on November 24, 2015

Congrats on being the 3rd Q feaster if the day! :3

Well you need to be chosen to be a q feaster of the day because it just shows the top 10 or less but if you want to check if your on the list of top q festers of the day you go on the home page and scroll down were it days what the q feaster of the day are. @TsumikiMiniwa
on November 24, 2015
on November 24, 2015

Person: So you're a writer? How many stories have you written?
Me: I am working on one book trilogy that I hope to publish as soon as I finish it.
Me: I also have around 30 abandoned projects on my computer.
Me: I have some short stories saved to a site called Qfeast.
Me: I have around 50 stories written in my that I'll never tell anyone.
Me: I have a story written in my head for almost every song that I've ever listened to.
Me: ....I feel like I'm missing something....
Me: I am working on one book trilogy that I hope to publish as soon as I finish it.
Me: I also have around 30 abandoned projects on my computer.
Me: I have some short stories saved to a site called Qfeast.
Me: I have around 50 stories written in my that I'll never tell anyone.
Me: I have a story written in my head for almost every song that I've ever listened to.
Me: ....I feel like I'm missing something....

I only published 3 books on q feast (two of them are my friends) but I remember when I was little I was obsessed with writing books and I think I still have those book XD. I was a terrible speller back then XD Me and my friends found a old book that I wrote (which was like 80 pages) and we here laughing so hard at my spelling it was so funny! ( like I spelled See More welcome with like 4 l's) ik randomness
on November 24, 2015
on November 24, 2015

Oh my god I am literally dying inside right now
Thanks a lot, music
Thanks a lot, music
on November 24, 2015

That moment when someone helps you cure writer's block...
on November 24, 2015

Gah! I have got SO many books to finish right now! I'm going to post a list here to help myself remember....
Fugitive X
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Bewitched in Oz
Courier of Caswell Hall See More
The Replaced
Pivot Point
City 1
And probably more but they aren't on my wish list or bookshelf.....
Fugitive X
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Bewitched in Oz
Courier of Caswell Hall See More
The Replaced
Pivot Point
City 1
And probably more but they aren't on my wish list or bookshelf.....

This isn't even my whole list
These are just the ones that I have available on my online library and need to read like NOW before they go out of date or whatever
These are just the ones that I have available on my online library and need to read like NOW before they go out of date or whatever
on November 24, 2015

on November 24, 2015
on November 23, 2015