Who remembers the pen vs. pencil war?

@Dungeon_Master Yup, you are.
on December 08, 2015

i laughed my ass off at it, even got involved at a later stage, because I am an weirdo
on December 08, 2015

@Dungeon_Master Sounds extremely stupid.
on December 08, 2015

It was just people punching people in the boobs
on December 08, 2015

@Dungeon_Master What was it even about??? Actually, never mind. I don't think I really want to know.
on December 08, 2015
on December 08, 2015

Thumbs up this post if you are a dog person. Thumbs down if you're a cat person.
I am a dog person that would undoubtedly be a cat if I shapeshifted into an animal.
I am a dog person that would undoubtedly be a cat if I shapeshifted into an animal.
on December 08, 2015

I hate my cat.

Yeah, but it's annoying. And the worst part is all of the stress that it causes my mom.
on December 08, 2015

Mine does the same, except I a nice enough to clean up after him and he snuggles with me for ages
on December 08, 2015

Not if it pees literally all over your house. Couches, carpet, clean laundry left alone for over sixty seconds, pillows, blankets...
Not if it pees literally all over your house. Couches, carpet, clean laundry left alone for over sixty seconds, pillows, blankets...
on December 08, 2015
on December 08, 2015

*points below* Is this something that all girls struggle with or is it just me and me awkward/weirdness?

Guys only struggle with it when girls get it and starts raging around the joint, and I know because I have 2 sisters who get this
on December 08, 2015

Then again, how would you know? You're a guy, right? Do guys ever struggle with this?
Then again, how would you know? You're a guy, right? Do guys ever struggle with this?
on December 08, 2015
on December 08, 2015

That moment when it's really obvious that a guy has a crush on you but you really don't want to say it's obvious because you could be wrong and it would feel like bragging to say that a guy likes you when he really doesn't.
The sheer awkwardness of this post is stunning.
The sheer awkwardness of this post is stunning.
on December 08, 2015

Is it possible to read minds?

Huh. My school grouped it with social studies since it covered political places and cities and such.
on December 08, 2015

Geography is a study of earth and landcapes, and spreads into almost all earthly sciences, so yes it is a science
on December 08, 2015

Cool! Is geography really a science? In my school, it's grouped with social studies.
on December 08, 2015
on December 08, 2015

That moment when you have a reading list that is literally three pages long.
What is my life?
What is my life?

Yup. For a little while. Warning: I really will be on pretty infrequently for the rest of the holiday season, and I will permanently disappear as of next autumn. But for now, yup.
on December 08, 2015
on December 08, 2015

Is it weird that I know absolutely everything that there is to know about the world of every book I've ever read, the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and the Middle Ages and Crusades in Europe but have no idea what 9/11 is, am totally clueless about WW1 and WW2, and only kinda know what Pearl Harbor was about? I mean, it was a bombing or something, right?

i think pearl harbor is when the japanese bombed the us, which is why the us declared war on japan
9/11 is when terrorists terrorized the us by bombing the twin towers
WW2 was the war with hitler
aaand thats all i know
but i dont know anything about the ones you posted.
9/11 is when terrorists terrorized the us by bombing the twin towers
WW2 was the war with hitler
aaand thats all i know
but i dont know anything about the ones you posted.
on December 08, 2015
on December 08, 2015

I hate that moment when you're bored out of your mind and you just really want to tell someone (unless that someone is a parent) in hopes that they'll cure you of your boredom by discussing the universe or suggesting a good book or something but you really don't want to p0st it on Qfeast because there are a gazillion people who are all in your face like "It is SO annoying when people post that they're bored! I mean, it is actually completely my own decision to follow them or not, See More but I just don't want to deal with their posting!"

Awesome! I really LOVED the Hobbit, but it's been a really long time since I last read it.
on December 08, 2015

on December 08, 2015
on December 08, 2015

That moment when you try to post something and Qfeast is all in your face like "THIS LOOKS LIKE SPAM" or "YOU'RE POSTING TOO QUICKLY, YOU ABUSER OF INNOCENT QFEASTERS" or some other crap like that.
on December 08, 2015

That moment when you read a book and immediately stop working on all of your projects because you realize that you will never be as good of an author as Suzanne Colins, Rick Riordan, Cassandra Clare, Kasie West, Lauren Miller, C. S. Lewis, JRR Tolkien, Shakespeare, Frank R. Stockton, Kiera Cass, Anthony Horowitz, or Lynette Noni...
That moment when you read a book and immediately stop working on all of your projects because you realize that you will never be as good of an author as Suzanne Colins, Rick Riordan, Cassandra Clare, Kasie West, Lauren Miller, C. S. Lewis, JRR Tolkien, Shakespeare, Frank R. Stockton, Kiera Cass, Anthony Horowitz, or Lynette Noni...

Even though I will never even begin to compare to these amazing authors? My only hope is that they are dead by the time I try to publish, which is sick and morbid and probably only a thought brought on by this vicious period.
on December 08, 2015
on December 08, 2015

That awesome moment when you've had your hair in a braid for the last forever and you take it out and your hair is smooth and wavy. I CANNOT EXPRESS HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME
on December 08, 2015

I must go. I shall be back soon... Or in January. I dunno.

I would guess a bit of both, and as I said on another post, I know a few people who dream of the future
on December 08, 2015

That all actually makes a lot of sense. Would it be possible to see into another dimension, not just travel to it? Like, see the future? Like the prophets? Did they actually have visions of the future or did they basically just say whatever God told them to say?
on December 08, 2015

Dinosaur extinction would never of happened from a flood because Noah was told to bring 2 of every animal, and that includes dinosaurs, and alternate dimensions work with newtons law, every action has an equal and opposite reaction, therefore creating alternate dimensions wher another one of you chose the same and another chose diffenent, so there is an infinate See More number of dimensions, dimension travle is not possible, because you would have to make space into a medium, which it isn't, our dimension would not vanish because it is a fixed point in the time space continum. and the consiquences could be bad if we found a way to dimension travel, such as a rip in the space time continum
on December 08, 2015

Huh... But didn't dinosaur extinction happen because of the flood? And how would alternate dimensions work? They're basically the different courses that the world could've taken... Right? Or do they only encompass different futures based off of human decisions? Would it be possible to travel to another dimension? If we did, would that change our dimension since See More we vanished from it? Would it mess with space and time itself? If it did, what would the consequences be? How would hat work out?
on December 08, 2015
on December 08, 2015

*kills self for being a total moron and forgetting that I'm not allowed to PM*

Pretty much because my mom doesn't understand the internet in any way, shape or form and she has a phobia of me being kidnapped through the internet and she's 100% sure that if I talk to people privately on here I'm going to get abducted and my dad doesn't want her to end up giving herself a heart attack or divorcing him or something so he officially banned PMing See More
And a bunch of other things
Story of my life
And a bunch of other things
Story of my life
on December 08, 2015
on December 08, 2015
on December 08, 2015

I think that the main reason I'm on here is because I am an extroverted/social kind of person who requires some shape or form of human interaction but is not allowed out of the house and really despises my family at the moment and therefore has no one to talk to that is worthy of my attention and therefore I resort to talking to online users.
(Proof that I overthink anything and everything without even meaning to)
(Proof that I overthink anything and everything without even meaning to)

on December 08, 2015
on December 08, 2015

OK, I know that I said I wouldn't be on until next month, but I REALLY need SOMEWHERE to rant before I die (either from blood loss or jumping off of a building) or somebody else does (I am not responsible for my actions if another human being tries to talk to me within the next 48 hours).
I am drowning in blood every single time I sneeze, cough, move, breathe, speak, or in any way exist. My gut hurts like hell. So many hormones are exploding in my brain that I am pretty sure See More I've become even more mentally ill than normal.
And I swear if I don't get chocolate RIGHT NOW I AM GOING TO KILL SOMETHING
Also I want every member of my family to just stop talking to me and BOTHERING ME ABOUT GETTING READY FOR A STUPID FLIPPING CHRISTMAS PARTY IN LIKE A WEEK
I am drowning in blood every single time I sneeze, cough, move, breathe, speak, or in any way exist. My gut hurts like hell. So many hormones are exploding in my brain that I am pretty sure See More I've become even more mentally ill than normal.
And I swear if I don't get chocolate RIGHT NOW I AM GOING TO KILL SOMETHING
Also I want every member of my family to just stop talking to me and BOTHERING ME ABOUT GETTING READY FOR A STUPID FLIPPING CHRISTMAS PARTY IN LIKE A WEEK
on December 08, 2015

Hi peoples of the internet. I have some news...
I'm quitting Qfeast.
Well, sort of. I'm going to be off for the rest of December. I really need to get a life and start spending more time with my family. I'll work on some of the stories on my computer, so I'll be back in January with a lot of updates.
I'm quitting Qfeast.
Well, sort of. I'm going to be off for the rest of December. I really need to get a life and start spending more time with my family. I'll work on some of the stories on my computer, so I'll be back in January with a lot of updates.

NOOOO! ;-; (srry I was not on that much yesterday so I did not know this) please don't leave....
on December 04, 2015
on December 03, 2015