Tylar Kit
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Comments (5)

This is interesting. I think there should be a story behind this picture.

Yes, makes sense
on March 17, 2016

Maybe.....I just thought it as a literal representation of life currently. A fox surrounded by wolves...
on March 17, 2016
on March 17, 2016

Nice! I'm only good at drawing spiders when it comes to animals. Spiders and birds.

Thanks! I wasn't sure whether I would get the wolves right...I'm only good at drawing when it comes to backgrounds, and foxes....
I'm sure we can both expand our drawing scopes if we were to try!
That's an interesting mixture of animals though, spiders and birds? It's a nice, but interesting mixture.
I'm sure we can both expand our drawing scopes if we were to try!
That's an interesting mixture of animals though, spiders and birds? It's a nice, but interesting mixture.
on March 13, 2016
on March 13, 2016