tylnapp's Starred Polls
tylnapp has 24 starred polls

Would You Rather? (Video Game)

what is your Favorite anime? (2)
The best instrument of all time! If your choice is not on here, post a comment!
Would you rather? (79)

what is your favorite animal 3.0?

What Animal Is Your Main Fursona?
What animal are you?

What do you believe: magic or science?

Would you rather? (67)

Do you think Heaven/Hell is real?

What kind world would you rather be in?

What is your life motto?

Do You Agree With Abortion? (1)

If you had one wish, what would it be?

Would you rather? 2)

What's your opinion on yourself?

Is it better to be Creative or Logical?
Are they(electronics) going to destroy the planet?

Would you rather have a Alien Invasion or a Zombie Apocalypse?