NA....NANI? ! ? !
It seems some of the photos that are the exact same size still posted, odd.
It seems some of the photos that are the exact same size still posted, odd.
on November 24, 2018

Guess I'll post some art.
on November 24, 2018

Long time since I have been here.

on November 22, 2018

on November 22, 2018
on November 22, 2018

Much has happened since I last made anything of importance on this site. That tail tale story is now partially a DND campaign!
Along with that i have created another campaign feom which entails all my stories into one universe. Even started animating and writing another story to compliment my ww2 knowledge!
I may start posting wips and actual full things for the comics and animations here, but no promises can be made.
Along with that i have created another campaign feom which entails all my stories into one universe. Even started animating and writing another story to compliment my ww2 knowledge!
I may start posting wips and actual full things for the comics and animations here, but no promises can be made.
on July 08, 2018

I see that the void does not stare back, unless it takes interest in you or something is in it.
on July 03, 2018

Name: Grayscale
Nicknames: Gray
Gender: male
Age: 23
Species: anthropomorphic Gray fox
Height: 5' 6"
Piercings: none See More
Scars: A Rather large White patch of fur on the right side of his face.
Tattoos: none
Preferred Weapon: Ranged Weapons (Preferably ones from another realm, but something had taken those very tools from him in this realm)
Looks: A rather foreign Kitsune like humanoid whom many may guess as some weird crossbread between human and kitsune. His fur is charcoal gray with an underbelly of sap yellow. His eyes are shadowed in the dark as they are dark brown, and his clothing is of a different land. The clothing worn seems well made but near impossible to make in the lands here, prestine leather cloak of sorts that only comes to the bottom of his buttox (a leather jacket) colored in shadowed black, his shirt looks almost peasant like but eith royal coloring, a weird sky blue, and his pants speak of royalty but in foreign tounge, as it is blue like nobles but is thatched looking like a simple thick duster (blue jeans).
Type of Magic: "Magic? I thought that was a myth..."
Family: None within this realm...yet.
Birthday: Unknown.
Relationship Status: single
Pets: None..yet.
Friends: None in this realm..yet.
Hobbies: Art, a strange witchcraft from another realm (Otherwise known as video games for us), writing,
Likes: Being alone 6/8ths of the time, hobbies, gunpowder.
Location: The Broken Huntsman's INN, just west of the magical forest.
languages: English, spotted Deutsche, small pieces of Francias.
Favorite songs: Rock...all the rock.
How to find: Find under a tree in a shadow doing something with books, or find him anywhere there might be magical portals...as not everyone was born in this realm.
Side note: "We keep seeing him throughout the town, though the guards keep watch he seems no harm as of yet..Only really if you keep calling him kitsune. He simply yells at ya if you keep calling that, insisting he is a 'Vulpman'...whatever that maybe." -Villager Of The Hunter's eye.
Nicknames: Gray
Gender: male
Age: 23
Species: anthropomorphic Gray fox
Height: 5' 6"
Piercings: none See More
Scars: A Rather large White patch of fur on the right side of his face.
Tattoos: none
Preferred Weapon: Ranged Weapons (Preferably ones from another realm, but something had taken those very tools from him in this realm)
Looks: A rather foreign Kitsune like humanoid whom many may guess as some weird crossbread between human and kitsune. His fur is charcoal gray with an underbelly of sap yellow. His eyes are shadowed in the dark as they are dark brown, and his clothing is of a different land. The clothing worn seems well made but near impossible to make in the lands here, prestine leather cloak of sorts that only comes to the bottom of his buttox (a leather jacket) colored in shadowed black, his shirt looks almost peasant like but eith royal coloring, a weird sky blue, and his pants speak of royalty but in foreign tounge, as it is blue like nobles but is thatched looking like a simple thick duster (blue jeans).
Type of Magic: "Magic? I thought that was a myth..."
Family: None within this realm...yet.
Birthday: Unknown.
Relationship Status: single
Pets: None..yet.
Friends: None in this realm..yet.
Hobbies: Art, a strange witchcraft from another realm (Otherwise known as video games for us), writing,
Likes: Being alone 6/8ths of the time, hobbies, gunpowder.
Location: The Broken Huntsman's INN, just west of the magical forest.
languages: English, spotted Deutsche, small pieces of Francias.
Favorite songs: Rock...all the rock.
How to find: Find under a tree in a shadow doing something with books, or find him anywhere there might be magical portals...as not everyone was born in this realm.
Side note: "We keep seeing him throughout the town, though the guards keep watch he seems no harm as of yet..Only really if you keep calling him kitsune. He simply yells at ya if you keep calling that, insisting he is a 'Vulpman'...whatever that maybe." -Villager Of The Hunter's eye.
on May 28, 2018