tylnapp added a photo to the starred list
on February 18, 2016
tylnapp added a poll to the starred list
Would you rather? 2)
on February 18, 2016
tylnapp asked a question
Star Wars: Could armor in the star wars universe stop modern bullets? When I mean moder...
on February 15, 2016
I know no one will look at this, but in the slight chance you do..... Do any of you get that moment when you are typing on your phone at an odd angle (say laying down in bed) and it keeps automatically flipping the keyboard and perspective?
I was just on a quiz writing a comment when this happened, I kept hitting the favourite button accidentally due to this.
I was just on a quiz writing a comment when this happened, I kept hitting the favourite button accidentally due to this.
on February 11, 2016
I guess I should try Pokemon again. Its been a long eight years since I last touched one...
on February 11, 2016
added a
quiz to the
favorite list
What is your place in the world of Minecraft?
on February 09, 2016