on February 27, 2014

twilight_sparkle123 added a new chapter to the ''ordanary day''
the time has come
as princess celestia gone princess luna and i called all the unicorns to use all of are magic to try to defit the new villian. But all the ponies ran with screams and asked for help and some did not survive. Now only with 2 princess we needed to help all of aquestria it was are duty.Insted of elements of harmony a spake came and what powers the elements of harmony the magic of.....FRIENSHIP *boom crash* the new villian has been defited but when will he make his mark again........
Read Full Chapter
on February 26, 2014

twilight_sparkle123 asked a question

rainbow or twillight plz tell me why and why not
on February 26, 2014

hi i like 2 read eny kind of book and plz follow and i follow back;)
on February 26, 2014

on February 26, 2014