on March 26, 2014

That awkward moment when someone follows you Qfeast and you realize that you have no idea who they are....:-O

:-o okkkkkk XD i trust u :D ur actually one of the nicest guys on here... at first u seemed normal... but..after a bit of reflection i ended up feeling ur weird like that guy Para -_- :p :D well i keep my reviews for another day, in private chat secured with all the things u mentioned above :D
on April 19, 2014

I swear it was by coincedence, long story of how we becam e friends, I fell in love, and then got stabbed in the back by my best friend, but that's a story for another day, over private chat, with iron bars, and padlocks, and WiFi codes, and guard monkeyz
on April 19, 2014

ohhhhhhh i hear a stalker speaking :D
on April 18, 2014

I know one person IRL, and she's never on, or knows that I'm on this site
on April 18, 2014

am worse -_- i know no one in real life here.. but well thats the fun :D
on April 14, 2014
on March 26, 2014

That awkward moment when texts you a lot of emojis X-(:-c:-&:">&[]:brb:|-)O:-)>:):((:x:-B:-O:-*B):(;):)<3:D:-c:-B:((:(B)>:):-*:-c

:D mine dont swell, i hope they never do XD i would laugh to death at myself n not show my face in society -_-
on April 21, 2014

pineapple makes my tongue itchy n it sort of pricks etc -_- i cant get the correct english word here -_-
on April 19, 2014
on March 26, 2014

that awkward moment when you post an awkward moment and you realize that the one's been already posted...:-O

that happens a lot!!! my friend and i posted same thing.. that is what makes the page awkwaaaaaard :D
on April 07, 2014
on March 26, 2014

That awkward moment when your younger sibling's friend says really random and YOUR friend is there
on March 26, 2014

That awkward moment when you're cleaning your room and you find a random barbie doll head...:-O
on March 26, 2014

That awkward moment when someone waves in your direction and you wave beack, and then you realize that they're waving at someone behind you
on March 25, 2014

These are my favorite series in order:
1. The Hunger Games
2. Divergent
3. Harry Potter
5. Twilight Saga
6. The Inheritance Cycle (Eragon)
7. Lord of the Rings See More
8. Little Women (Yes, it's a series.)
9. The Giver (Again, it's a series!)
1. The Hunger Games
2. Divergent
3. Harry Potter
5. Twilight Saga
6. The Inheritance Cycle (Eragon)
7. Lord of the Rings See More
8. Little Women (Yes, it's a series.)
9. The Giver (Again, it's a series!)

on August 13, 2014
on March 25, 2014