Trisntea Trisntea
trisntea.c's Photo: 62 / 69
the artist got batgirl's haircolor wrong, but still a really pretty picture!
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Comments (5)

True shes more of a red/auburn or brown depends on who is drawing it in the comics. However, I see where they got the color. Probably from the Barbara Kean in Gotham, because she's blonde.

Yeah. I prefer the darker color, fits better with the idea, although batgirl's purple/yellow suit kind of throws stealthiness and camouflage out the window.

on May 01, 2020

@GayIrishPanic I have the "Batman: a celebration of 75 years" collection, but I definitely want to expand.
on May 01, 2020

You have to go to the original comics to get her hair color.
on May 01, 2020
on May 01, 2020
on May 01, 2020