Harry:She is so good at quidditch!Ron:Shes cool and good at quidditch.Hermione:Personally, I think she should loosen up a bit and study more but other than that shes pretty nice Ginny: We're good friends Luna: She stopped a couple people calling me Loony in Charms today! Voldemort: Stupid bystander! She will die... but after Potter! Dumbledore:She will be a great witch. Fred: *Says at same time as George* Best friends.
House: Gryffindor crush: Harry potter Blood stat: Pure blood Best subject: Defence against the dark arts and care for magical creatures Year: Same year as trio Worst subject: nothing Personality : Sporty,Funny,Brave,Loud,Fierce Nicknames: Bekah Friends: even one likes her Enemies: Cho and Pansy Quidditch: Gryffindor Chaser Your Patronus: dragon