the_sleepy_wolves's Polls
the_sleepy_wolves published 22 polls

What is your favorite Genre of music?

stories idea

which team are you on/ want to be on?

whats your fav hair cut?

Whats your fav fusion?

nightmare animatronic

golden animatronic

toy anaimatronic

origanal animatrionic
Dogs or cats? (1)
which of these do you like best?

what type of animatronic do you like?

Whos your favorite character from voltron

Which starting pokemon would you like to choose?

What Females wizard (Not including squids or ghost or the four houses) in harry potter ...

Which broken OC do you like?

which normal oc do you like?

Which Evil version of my oc do you like better?
what is your fav game fromthese three?