the_sleepy_wolves created a story

The story of the souls vol.2 the light blue souls
on October 27, 2017

the_sleepy_wolves added a new chapter to The story of the souls vol.1 the green soul

Lost in the ruins
A small frog came out, quivering in fear of fighting. "Oh, hi" I said while I reached out to pet it. The frog closed its eyes, like embracing it self, as though I would hurt it, when I reached out. "It's ok, I would never hurt anyone." I told the small frog while petting it. "ThAnK yOu!" said the frog "Whats your name?" I asked "I dOn'T hAvE oNe" said the frog.
"Well done!" said the voice in the darkness, "Who's their" I demanded. "You did it sweetie!" said Tori, running to me, to give me a h... Read Full Chapter
"Well done!" said the voice in the darkness, "Who's their" I demanded. "You did it sweetie!" said Tori, running to me, to give me a h... Read Full Chapter
on October 27, 2017

the_sleepy_wolves added a new chapter to The story of the souls vol.1 the green soul

back to the ruins
"Toriel, can I go explore the ruins?" I asked, "All by yourself Sophie?" said Toriel. "No" I replied "With you, I want to make friends here." "I guess so, BUT you must stay close to me" Toriel said "I have an idea!" "What sis your idea" I asked. "I remember this place with a lot of puzzles!" said Toriel "Follow Me"
"Wait Tori!" I said, grabbing my frying pan. As I rushed out and following my instinct, I took a lot of turns. "H....h...h.hello" I stammered form my fear "Tori w...wh..where a..ar... Read Full Chapter
"Wait Tori!" I said, grabbing my frying pan. As I rushed out and following my instinct, I took a lot of turns. "H....h...h.hello" I stammered form my fear "Tori w...wh..where a..ar... Read Full Chapter
on October 27, 2017

the_sleepy_wolves added a new chapter to The story of the souls vol.1 the green soul

Exploring the house
I went to the right and saw three doors, the door so my left seems strange I embrace myself for what is in their, I took a deep breath, and walked in. I heard a noise to my left. "H.....H...Hello? Wh...who's t....t..there" I stammer. Then out came a small mouse, "Awww." I said "Hello their sorry to bug you." And I ran out of the room, I went into the door to my left.
I stop at the door and said a pray that their isn't anything in their that will hurt or kill me. I took deep breaths to steady ... Read Full Chapter
I stop at the door and said a pray that their isn't anything in their that will hurt or kill me. I took deep breaths to steady ... Read Full Chapter
on October 25, 2017