thatsssanicequizzzyouhavethere added a story to the favorite list

Weird but true facts!
on October 28, 2013

thatsssanicequizzzyouhavethere asked a question

Does anyone know where to get an Angel plush toy? I really want to get a medium sized p...
on October 27, 2013

thatsssanicequizzzyouhavethere asked a question

How do I get money? I'm 11 years old and I need money for (and this probably sounds stu...
on October 15, 2013

thatsssanicequizzzyouhavethere asked a question

Holt Hyde or Heath Burns? I want to buy another Monster High doll and I want it to be a...
on October 15, 2013

thatsssanicequizzzyouhavethere asked a question

Do you think we can live without love? I've seen a lot of people say they can't live wi...
on October 14, 2013

Friendship is the icing on the cake of life.

Wow I should make a page for these
on October 14, 2013
on October 14, 2013

Life is like the ocean. It is calm and gentle most of the time yet sometimes it is rough and bumpy but when it is, hold tight AND ENJOY THE RIDE.
on October 14, 2013

Friends come and go but best friends are with you, today, tomorrow, ALWAYS.
on October 14, 2013

thatsssanicequizzzyouhavethere asked a question

Does anyone else do this? Whenever I watch a TV show I always imagine that the main cha...
on October 07, 2013

thatsssanicequizzzyouhavethere asked a question

Dream job? What would your dream job be? Mine is to become an art teacher!
on October 04, 2013

on October 01, 2013

thatsssanicequizzzyouhavethere asked a question

Who is awesomest princess? Who is your favourite princess? Celestia, Luna apor. Cadence...
on September 30, 2013

on September 28, 2013