Hello. My name is Princess Stardust. I'm Celestia's third and youngest sister. My responsibility is to bring the stars to the night sky. Celestia is the sun, Luna is the moon and I am the stars, shining in the black of the night. I know it's not right to have favourites when it comes to family but I preferred Luna over Celestia. Luna's moon and my stars co-operated to make a beautiful sky at night. Luna cared for me and told me stories each night before I went to sleep. She would take me to every Nightmare Night festival and sometimes we would sit and watch the stars and Luna would congratulate me when I lifted the stars on my own, as there were a lot. Celestia though didn't care for me. She would treat me like a filly and never played with me or told me stories like Luna would. I once asked if I could make my stars twinkle in the day but she just laughed and replied "Silly, your stars don't belong in my day!" My relationship with Celestia worsened when we were informed that I may have to rule over the day after Celestia. Luna applauded and told me that she was excited for me but Celestia dissaproved. She said I was not responsible enough to handle her day and too young. Ever since that moment Celestia searched for a princess that could take after her and rule the day. After a while she found a pony and was convinced that pony was capable of becoming a princess. That pony was Twilight Sparkle.