when i have to clean my kitchen counters, i dont use disinfecting spray- i use my go to cleaning liquid, among other things- pam butter flavored no-stick coooking spray!
on August 10, 2019

me: uh oh! i smell bad :( *sprays my perfume—pam butter flavored no-stick cooking spray— on my person* ahhh, much butter ;P
on August 10, 2019

did you make a big stink in the bathroom? you need some good good potpourri? try Pam Butter Flavored No-Stick Cooking Spray! covers up all smells with a good buttery flavor!
on August 10, 2019

on August 10, 2019

you see a punk looking teenager spray painting a brick wall. it’s dark, so you can’t really make out what they’re spray painting. the camera zooms in. the wall is... blank? and greasy? there’s a close up on their can. it’s Pam Brand Butter Flavored No-Stick Cooking Spray. fade to black.
on August 10, 2019

*sprays Pam brand butter flavored no-stick cooking spray into my mouth like whipped cream*
on August 10, 2019

have you just finished your acrylic or oil masterpiece and need to seal it? look no further! Pam Brand Butter Flavored No-Stick Cooking Spray will seal up that paint all nice and cozy! say fu*k you to varnish and helllllo to pam’s buttery delight spray!
on August 10, 2019

my wife: i just gave birth to our daughter, what should we name her? :)
me: hmm... i think a great name is Pam... brand butter flavored no-stick cooking spray!
my wife: oh that is beautiful! i just love Pam Brand Butter Flavored No-Stick Cooking Spray!
18 years later..... Pam gets accepted into harvard... moral of the story... purchase Pam brand butter flavored no-stick cooking spray today at your local retailer for only $4
me: hmm... i think a great name is Pam... brand butter flavored no-stick cooking spray!
my wife: oh that is beautiful! i just love Pam Brand Butter Flavored No-Stick Cooking Spray!
18 years later..... Pam gets accepted into harvard... moral of the story... purchase Pam brand butter flavored no-stick cooking spray today at your local retailer for only $4
on August 09, 2019

ah, now that i’ve finished cooking this wonderful spaghetti it’s time for the finishing touch! *sprays Pam brand butter flavored no-stick cooking spray on it*
on August 09, 2019

new sexy fanfic trope idea: she’s a woman in the 1500’s diagnosed with hysteria and he’s the doctor that has to give her a medical orgasm to cure her

on August 08, 2019
on August 08, 2019

HorsePost #3: We got manipedis together :) his hoofs are now new colors, i no longer have nails, which is cool

on July 28, 2019
on July 28, 2019

jeans, but edible
on July 27, 2019

on July 27, 2019

if you had a boiled carrot for the right amount of time would it just turn back to normal?
on July 26, 2019

HorsePost #1.5: Woah! these bad boys (horses)(no offense intended) have very big hearts and teeth!
on July 22, 2019

HorsePost #1: i met a cowboy today (i didnt know they existed in real life) and she gave me her horse (im typing this on a horse)
on July 22, 2019